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Blog- Stock for Brent 1947 GWR - 2018 in Review: Stock for Brent

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As per usual as we approach Christmas, its time to review another year’s modelling.


County of Somerset:
At the end of last year this loco was on the troublesome list, the major work was finished but its new chassis was not running smoothly so it couldn’t progress to DCC fitting and final commissioning. I haven’t really managed much work on this, so it is still sat on shelf awaiting its time to be looked at.
Large Prairie
The loco has been fitted with new slide bars, new pony wheels, finishing touches to the paint work and transfers. It is now ready for DCC fitting (and is in need of some weathering.
Saint Dunstan
No progress, in 2019 I am to get the chassis built and the loco commissioned into service.
Decoder Fitting
Fit Decoders for remaining locos > my third 45xx 4547 was fitted with a Zimo decoder, however the rest remain to be fitted. Chip fitting is on hold until the layout is more complete.
In February a PDK 47xx kit was sourced from eBay and built over the following couple of months. It still has some underlying issue with the running and much like the County it is now sitting on the shelf awaiting attention. Once the layout is more complete I think the desire to get these working will increase.
At the Taunton Members day back in April I picked up a preproduction Kernow Models / DJM 1364 saddle tank. A fantastic model that is let down by the usual DJM poor design (recessed number plates, and all axle drive chassis with sloppy con rods etc). The latter is still an issue even on an unpowered model as the running is not very free. Eventually it will get an etched chassis, but for now looks good on the shelf (and can be ran dead in tow en route to Newton Abbot for attention.)
Grange 6828
During the year I spotted that my Grange 6828 had the wrong tender logo, so this has been changed to G crest W.
Oil Burning 2884
Converted with a 3d print for the oil tank, it now needs renumbering and the cab modifying with shutters. There is also a little more detail I would like to add to the front of the tank.
For 2019:
The main aim is to get the County and 47xx running, build a new chassis for my 43xx and build the Saint chassis. Other potential projects I am considering is selling my Dean Goods kit and replacing it with a Finney Bulldog.
Other than that there are a good number of weathering projects that are likely to need attention.
There are also the other in progress kit builds (2251 and Manor) the latter may jump up the list having found details of one that would have worked through Brent in 47. I now have a set of rolling bars on order, so progression on the Manor should continue now that I can prepare the boiler.
Again not a lot of wagon progress, although another batch of P4 wagons have been converted back to OO and fitted with metal buffers.
New stock consisted of a Beetle prize cattle wagon from a parkside kit (sat awaiting paint), a couple more cattle vans, and an MRD / Ratio Iron Mink. Again in 2019 the intention is to build a few more of the wagon kit stash.
The Centenaries project has neared completion, with the coaches sprayed into chocolate and cream, roofs painted Vallejo dark grey, ends painted black and droplights painted mahogany. The first 3 have also been lined and are ready for glazing. The rest still need the lining adding once I get a couple more sheets of HMRS GWR lining.
The H33, H26 and A20 have also been sprayed chocolate and cream with the same treatment for the roofs etc. The A20 was also lined up and is ready for glazing, the other two both need lining.
The airfix autocoach has been sprayed in wartime brown livery, fitted with new buffers and is now awaiting lining and glazing (the latter requiring a pack of laserglaze.)
Another Slaters toplight (a composite) has been built and is now sat in the garage awaiting painting.
The Slaters clesterory has now been finished, glazed and fitted with the etched details.
There are only two other completed projects, a Syphon F (although it still needs Harris’s logos adding and a detailed Syphon H.


For 2019
Finish off the Centenaries / Diners etc, including the lining, glazing and fitting some couplings.
The painting to do pile consists of the two toplights, an ex LNWR compo, a syphon, and one centenary which needs the cream respraying. There is also a large pile of coaches awaiting the roofs painting grey (basically all of my Mainline Sunshine stock and Hornby Colletts).
I will be building an etched Syphon, there is also a Sunshine Stock First in the pile that will probably be built this year.
Other than that, I am hoping to finally make a start on the TPO.

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