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How to remove axles from one-piece Triang Trucks?

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I'm planning to spray paint and weather these trucks, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to remove the wheels/axles. The only trucks I'd come across before have metal axles and enough play in the plastic body of the trucks to be able to poop them out, but it's not the case here. Unless I need to really really force the mountings apart to pop them out?  They look like some kind of mini-press would be needed. Any ideas appreciated.




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A slim one inch panel pin with the point filed flat works well as a drift to knock the axle out. The best tool of all is the first axle you get free! Just don't use the end with the splines on to attempt to free the next axle...


It is possible to quite easily fit pinpoint bearings instead of the no-roll Triang wheelsets, if you are adept at modelling bodgery. Take flange off pinpoint bearing, insert wheelset between axle boxes, position bearing, secure from outside with epoxy putty or whatever. When cured repeat with second bearing the other side, to trap the wheelset in position. It is usually necessary to sleeve the bearing to make it a decently tight fit in the hole. Adhesive tape is suitable. (Non-bodgers can machine up threaded bearing cups and tap the axleboxes for a pro job.)

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If these have the one piece plastic wheels then making sure the plastic is reasonably warm and prying it apart is about the only way to get the wheels out..

The blunted nail only works with the 1950s /60s metal axle wheels.  With those position the axlebox against  the wheel half with the spilne over a hole in a bit of wood, find a broken drill the right size  grind both ends flat and using it as a punch put it against the axle end and belt it with a (small) hammer. You can use a blunt nail if you want but it will bend and wreck the wheel.

Once the spilne is clear the other wheel half will drop off. I fit those with spacing washers to run nicely on code 100 but the wagons in the pic look like he cheapies which came with the clockwork sets and derail at the earliest opportunity, That said they look quite reasonable when repainted so I might have a go at doing mine up. Watch out for them on eBay!

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Wouldn’t it be easier to mask off the wheels to paint the body and then brush paint the wheels after? (or vice versa)






That has occurred to me yes, and after the effort to remove one axle, I might well do masking for the rest.

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