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Magazine article sought...

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Recently one of the modelling magazines carried an article about adapting a Scalescenes freighter into a larger cargo ship. I saw it on the newsstand but a few days later the next issue had replaced it when I went in to buy.


the problem is, i can't remember which magazine and despite searching websites for back issues and google searches and suchlike, i haven't found it. Did I imagine it?!


I am certain that it was built by one of the teams involved in the recent TV programme/competition ... unless I dreamt the whole thing?


Can anyone point me at the right magazine and issue so I can purchase a back order?


Thanks for any info - am starting to think I  imagined it!



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Thanks, Richard, but it wasn't Chris's blog (he is describing building his container ship). I've been reading his blog for a while - a very inspirational modeller with good tips and, through his build blogs, advice on where there may be difficult bits in the downloaded kits.

I was referring to the 1950s/60s cargo ship, which was expanded in the article...


Edited by SteveyDee68
Edited for incorrect autocorrections!
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