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7mm 9F kits opinions and options please

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So i've decided that my next big build will be a 9F, i believe the options are:


a, MOK, recently new to the market, expensive (in excess of £600) and a traditional etched kit with no whitemetal castings

b, DJH, been around for a while, expensive (in excess of £600) a huge chunk of cast boiler and firebox and the rest to DJH standards, i have built a V2 and A4 from this supplier so know what to expect

c, Scorpio/seven (are they still trading??) cost thought to be in line with most other large loco kits circa £350, but can't find a recent price list and the trader doesn't have an online presence, a newish kit of traditional etched brass with whitemetal and brass castings

d, acme, no longer available, but seems the rights to the kit are for sale...

e, Ragstone (formerly MMP) not available as a kit but lots of replacement castings available for any of the above as required

f, anymore...?


I've excluded RTR, i'm a kit builder, that is where my interest lies, i would be interested in opinions, thoughts and recommendations (good and bad) 





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Seven Models (Scorpio). I have one to build. They do the Crostini’s version as well. Etchings are supposed to be good, but quality of WM castings described as variable and may be better replaced with Ragstone equivalents. I have to check my kit to verify.

Edited by PhilMortimer
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MOK probably the best of the bunch. Very detailed and will take time to build. I have one and also a Scorpio Crosti kit, but I haven't started on either.


The DJH one would probably be the easiest of the bunch to build, but probably the least detailed.

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Just seen David's reply as I was writing mine, so you are in safe hands there


I looked at all those options and went for the MOK kit, though put to one side until retirement in 3 years. My reasoning was that whilst the Scorpio was viewed as an improved kit from what it had been a few years ago there was still a need as mentioned to replace a fair number of castings if desired


As you have also found out the MMP 9f is buried in Ragstone only to be bought RTR, though the castings are the source  for the Scorpio upgrade


So my train of thought was that for the saving of £250 between the kits, most of that would be consumed in buying the replacement castings. Plus the physiological angst of having to do that as against buying the premier kit. I know it is up to individual circumstances, but Dave also does some nice wheels to go with the 9f and whilst not cheap they do complement the kit. I have to admit I bought a second set of those wheels while they are in stock, so Telford is going to be expensive this year. I take the stance that I would rather have less, but quality kits than have a cupboard of cheap ones that challenge my abilities


Oh for the DJH kits I have read on several forums that the frames are slightly overscale thickness and my preference would not be a whitemetal boiler, though I have to concede I have bought a Finney7 resin boiler for my Duchess build


And as you, yes I could have probably dug deep and bought a RTR version. For me building kits is an achievement and also you can get two for the price of a RTR :drink_mini:

Edited by Park
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  • RMweb Gold

I brought the MOK kits and I'm glad I did worth every penny as all MOK kits are.

There are several online builds on the guild site if you are a member.

On the wheel note the MOK wheels are 2nd to none on the market at the mo and worth every penny.....


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I'd go with MOK. The DJH kit was good in it's day, but I ended up upgrading mine with quite a few Ragstone parts . A client wanted a DJH one and the kit was made to order, but the pewter boiler needed a lot of cleaning up, indicating that the moulds were worn. The boiler in my own kit from an early production run needed no cleaning up at all..

If I was doing it again I'd have MOK 9Fs.


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My friend David Boorman bought a MOK kit and I was staggered by the quality and crispness of the lost wax castings ( no whitemetal parts at all). The instruction book is also a work of art. I wish 4mm kits were of this quality. The wheels are fabulous.

in the past these MOK kits have been produced in small batches and some of the previous kits are no longer avaliable, so if you want to buy one do it now!



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