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On 06/02/2022 at 07:04, SteelAndSoot said:

also decided to have a go at making a mini coach out of an old broken parkside Clerestory I had laying around


first I grabbed one of those ultra common Hornby rollingstock chassis' that you find on everything and chopped it down a ton




then i cut the center section from the coach and removed the roof




filled some gaps and slapped a thin roof on it




then I just slapped some buffers on and some lamp housings




haven't gotten any farther yet, and I am not sure it fits at all period wise, but I'll give it a nice coat of paint and will see how it goes


I was wanting to do some short, caricature rolling stock for a layout I've built, that's just given me an idea for what to do with some broken old Hornby 4-wheelers :)


(I found your thread by way of the Pugbashing topic, and I have to say, I'm really liking your builds and repaints!  Very creative and imaginative)

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just got a new set of benches built and put in place, and with it the old layout has been binned (as it was pretty ) in favour of a new end to end layout. just spent the morning placing track and buildings around to get an idea of how it will look.








its a heavily used branchline that ferries people from the main station of the trunk route down to a small seaside town, just reaching its tourist boom. thinking of having it on the English boarder with Scotland on the east coast, but we'll see




will likely include an OO9 section along the front, the whole lot will be raised up, with the OO9 line having some kind of gradient, it may even run along the back of the layout.

the foam blocks represent a viaduct, which will form a scenic break to indicate the two terminus of the line, with the center section being left unmodeled due to space constraints. the harbour end will have many houses cluttering the area, far more than there are currently, and the OO9 section will have a period of street running to satiate my tramway needs.

harbour will be relatively small, with it being heavily overworked by the rising amount of loading an unloading necessitating a future expansion that the narrow gauge line will play a major part in.


here is a rough idea of the trackplan, however it will likely change a tad, and it already has




hoping to use this as a chance to demonstrate all that I have learned with making scenery, as even my narrow gauge layout looks dated. this will be my side project while I am at Uni, and I cannot wait to get the trackboards and final pieces of track down


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  • 2 weeks later...

wanted to get another loco and had saved up for a six months to get one. picked out three locos, four of which being the same price






The Jouef 141 ta loco is one that has been in the shop for around ten years, so I have been looking at it since I was a kid.


Peckett is the cheapest and a really good model from everything I have seen


A2/2 cause it looks hot as hell and I really dig Thompson locos. plus I like its history as a class


EFE O2 because of my many childhood visits of the Isle of Wight


and EFE Beattie cause its cute


well aware of the two EFE loco's reputations, but I looked them both over like I did with the other locos, ran them, and they where perfectly lovely locos.




Jouef 141 ta was the first to go. was the most expensive but it had dodgy paint and some pretty shoddy detail, including the ugliest plastic valvegear I have ever seen


Peckett was next, not a huge fan of the peckett look, and I can get one any other time if I want to


so it was down to three




as much as I love the A2/2, I'm not sure it is the best fit for my layout at the minute. at least until it is completed.


after a pretty hefty time of decision making I went for the Beattie




love it so much, although I may change the safety valves


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payment didn't go through at the model shop, so I went back and while I was there I managed to get their "broken" display loco for £20. sunbleached on the left side with a dollop of glue on the tender, and it barely ran at all




stripped it all the way down and cleaned it inside and out. replaced a stripped gear, and hey presto, it runs. noisy, but that doesn't bother me








it is by no means perfect, with scuffs and sun bleaching still present. but considering it cost less than the cheapest Hornby 4 wheel wagon I am chuffed to bits


I also got a free magazine, two DvDs, and £45 worth of points for £10


so this Beattie has already proved to be a very good investment



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got bored and decided to make them both faces




Got the unnamed Beattie well tank. made this face because I was curious as to how it would look considering I can remove the smokebox door, and my god is that flush face an improvement over just tacking a face onto the smokebox door





I then also made a face for the county because I kept referring to it by a... Different name, while I was repairing it







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Decided to have a go at building the Skarloey funicular


made some plans of stuff, alongside the map. going to have the height of the funicular link with the Skarloey station.






I like to imagine it being much longer, but due to my space constraints I can't do much better than this small example of what it could look like.







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On 02/03/2022 at 17:04, AlfaZagato said:

Are you going to completely scratchbuild it?  Or will you pick up one of the Brawa funicular kits?

sorry it took me a while, couldn't update on here for a couple days as the site wouldn't let me. but I am, and kinda have already, built them from scratch.


I'll just spam out some posts now in order of how I made them, just pretend there is like a days gap between them

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Started Uni a few weeks ago, and it turns out we have a makers space. so I sat in there after my lectures last tuesday and cracked out the base bodies for two Budapest inspired funicular coaches using a pair of Jouef Playcraft HO BR Mk1 bogies






then when I got home I began adding bracing panel things to one. not sure what to call this as I want them to be metal bodied, but imitating a wood design with the bracing




Then I just glued some more bits on, primed it, found out it wasn't smooth, sanded it, and then stuck more bits on






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Then I finished adding bits to the body and remembered the railway series inspiration. so stuck a face on it and had the name Cirrus given to me as a suggestion. this is due to me wanting to have one named after something in the sky and the other something on the ground. the up and down nature of the Funicular being the reason. one is also always overly happy, and the other is often in a depressive slump, so the up and down of emotions works there too




Then I also remembered I hadn't finished the other one, and cracked on with it




Had the name Cedar suggested to me by a mate, as it also starts with C and is the name of a tree, something embedded into the ground




quickly finished Cedar after having streamlined my technique after making Cirrus





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Had already decided I wanted a toned down green for the two long before even deciding on their inspirational bases. but didn't really know what to do from there






began cracking on with the rest of the painting while i thought of what I wanted to do




decided I wanted the liver to look nice, but not stand out too much on the diorama. as I wanted the landscape to hold much of the colour, so I made two quick ideas based on some greens I had




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Just mixed both paints together and got this. then I quickly added some red topped steps because it just felt like something to do with safety by highlighting them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯








this is where I am up to now. just need to make the window frames, add some interiors other than just benches, probably add some names and or numbers, and make a small hook underneath for connecting them

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Not sure if I've talked about this before, but I love the Johnston A class, Bruce. heavily modified in service




and now sits without tanks and a replacement cab from a peckett.




finally got off my arse to make a model of the wee lad


starting with two 1/64 models, one of pannier wing tank condition and one in current condition


got the tank variant printed today and have primed it to be able to see the the areas that need sanding. printed on our Uni's printers






next to a vehicle for size comparison



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Just said to it and am going all in with NZ64 for a while. will finish my current projects still but a lot of future projects may be in this scale


Began printing some static Jiggers from thingiverse and had an idea




Bachmann Wickham trolley chassis is near perfect. wheels are about 0.4mm too small and the wheels are about that same distance too far apart, plus the wheels aren't spoked the same. but its too close to not give it a go, plus, I'm not greatly fussed by accuracy, as long as it looks the part and performs well thats all I want :)




will print off some better ones tomorrow that have been altered to fit the Wickham chassis, and they will be coupled back to back




will be my first working and motorised NZ64 model, and you bet I am taking it to visit the big kiwi layouts. just picturing this charging past a pair of double heading Ja locos on a huge layout is already making me excited. going to a club, everyone has proper locos, and I whip out the jigger


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Going to call them done. there are a couple small internal things I need to add, mainly dummy motors, but apart from that there is nothing else to do other than source figures. they run well, but don't handle points particularly nicely




And Bruce has had a lick of paint. but it definitely points to just how small Bruce really is



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  • 1 month later...

going to be honest, the whole point of this thread was to document my model making progression for me to look back on, but after the issues with RMweb of recent and not having the time or energy to replace all of the images here, I'm probably just going to call it a day for RMweb. I'll still be hanging around looking at other people's work, but this is where this thread will most likely end. if you would like to see my projects continue I direct you to my hobby twitter account 


 here you can see my current project, but by scrolling back through my media tab you can see the 16MM Sir Handel I have been building while RMweb has been down, and progress on my layout and funicular


I do believe that I have shown a great increase in my modelling capabilities since I started this thread, and I hope to continue with such an upward increase in quality.

It's been fun, and I'm a bit bumbed that its ended here, but unless some miracle happens that restores the files to posts, then I don't believe I will be coming back to here.


I guess that about wraps it up, Take care are farewell, I hope I may see you all again across the internet

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