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Bearwood West Yard

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42 minutes ago, EWS60065 said:

Good stuff, for reference how will you be doing the wiring under your track with your two layer baseboard? I love this design for terrain and scenery but looks tricky in terms of electronics.

For wiring the track, I pre-cut my cable to 18” length. I mark on the cork the region where the rails will be that are to be soldered. Solder them to the rails. Align the track with the marks on the cork. Another pen mark where the sides of the wire is. Drill it out, feed the wire through and tack the track. 
When all the wires are fed through the top board, I fit the bus bars to the underside of the lower board, and drill a pair of 8-10mm holes in the lower board where the cables will come from. It’s as simple as that. Lots of excess cable waste (about 5-6in) but better to have too much and trim it than to have too little and have to resolder and thread the wire through two holes. 

For the point motors, that’ll be another thing entirely. The holes for the piano wire are pre drilled before point installation at 6mm diameter. But fitting the servo’s to the baseboard is something I’m yet to properly explore. But I’ve made the board spacing 100mm so I can get an arm in to fit them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Happy new year all! 
Started off the new year right by spending the weekend finishing off the ‘River’ end fiddle yard entrance board. Having finished the woodwork and pre-corked everything, I had a nice simple weekend of laying track and using the odds and s*ds of short rail I’d accumulated, with little to no rush required. On the tele in this instalment is the mandatory Christmas time viewing of Wallace and Gromit films! Using a HEA to manually test, the baseboard joins are as good as they can be for the radii and it seems to navigate all the points well on its own free will when pushed with no derailments.


New years eve was spent on the electrical side, wiring all the droppers to the bus bars and running the bus wire. Not a job I would recommend doing while having ‘more than a few’ drinks but I think it’s turned out rather well. 

The next job will be to commission this board, setting it up with the others and fitting all the boards with the push fit terminal blocks. Then, it’ll be to make the corner pieces to enable a headshunt for the yard sidings. These will be fitted to the next fiddle yard board. 






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Hi Jordan,


Great thread, I've enjoyed seeing your progress and the layout develop, particularly with your wagons.


Its interesting to see that the Lobsters are now going for scrap, indeed quite a few have already gone into EMR Kingsbury, with more waiting at BS.


Have to agree that wiring is mint!


Looking forward to more updates.

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2 hours ago, 21A Desperado said:

Its interesting to see that the Lobsters are now going for scrap, indeed quite a few have already gone into EMR Kingsbury, with more waiting at BS.

Have to agree that wiring is mint!

Looking forward to more updates.

Thanks for your compliments. I did notice a pair of Lobster's in Didcot Railway Centre by the entrance back in late October and again in mid December, so explains possibly why they are there. Any clues as to why they are going for scrap? Unless they were a short term stopgap until the tsumani of purpose built FEA-W and MLA's were ready for action.

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Back again! Weekend plans didn’t quite go ahead last weekend so only just got around to setting up latest baseboard and testing it on loco’s after work this eve. 

I had a few loco’s to hand but enough to tick the boxes. Naturally, with a year or so of not being used, all loco’s took some running in to warm up. This time, I didn’t rig any results by using a particular Class 37 with sound and stay alives!

The Hornby A1 Terrier is my smallest and shortest loco by wheelbase (beating an 08). As expected, it navigated the inside Unifrog point rad well despite stalling on the frogs. Though, on the outer rad no trouble at all. 
Class 33/1 navigated all lines well with no trouble at all.

Bachmann Colas 37421 navigated all okay apart from the inner most line, which saw a few minor axle jumpings when preparing to cross the bridge.

Class 67 alike the 33, passed and route cleared for all lines.

Hornby T9, cleared for all lines boiler first. The tender has tendency to catch on the frogs and derail the loco. 


A bit of a bonus is that this is the first time since Mk1 was active that I’ve had all three LSWR kettles out of their boxes at the same time. A little line up was a must - A1 in the yard with an 0415 piloting a T9… exciting things to come!

I’m yet to test rolling stock on these yet but will publish my findings in due course. I suspect anything longer than a Falcon will have trouble on the Rad 2. Glad now that I made the decision to only run from the frogs to the blades and not the other way around! Hopefully informative to others debating the use of these unifrog small rad points. Useful and good for space saving, but come with the price of selective stock being route cleared.






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Looking good, very harsh on yourself testing with such small locomotives, glad it's working well! Hopefully your smaller engineers wagons e.g. OCA with a fixed wheelbase rather than bogies will also be okay because from my experience they are the worst 😂


Out of interest when do you recon the rest of the unifrog range will be available, or are the main types already available? 

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5 hours ago, EWS60065 said:

Looking good, very harsh on yourself testing with such small locomotives, glad it's working well! Hopefully your smaller engineers wagons e.g. OCA with a fixed wheelbase rather than bogies will also be okay because from my experience they are the worst 😂


Out of interest when do you recon the rest of the unifrog range will be available, or are the main types already available? 

I thought it best to be a bit more thorough in my testing. I always knew some locos would struggle on the tighter curves such as the 37.

The method in my madness with using locos such as the Terrier enable me to gauge what stock will be happy on the tighter curves. From memory, Bachmann OCA’s are built to have movement in the axle mountings to aid traverse in curves. In theory these should be okay, though it was my MHA/MFA rake I was most concerned about. The short wheelbase is perfect for tight curves but at 20 wagons long, the most concerning thing is coupling tension trying to pull the stock over and into the curve. But you are right, they can be little s*ds! 

In all honesty I’m not the best person to ask about the rest of the Unifrog range. I’ve only opted for them as they’re small curved points - for now the frog remains unpowered as the outer rails are connected to power and the locos haven’t yet stalled on the frog. There might be a thread in the Peco section of RMWeb buried a few pages in though that could be of better help? 

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6 hours ago, EWS60065 said:

Out of interest when do you recon the rest of the unifrog range will be available, or are the main types already available? 

Done some digging for you. Have been having a read myself and seems the intention is to roll out unifrog across the range, so you have one line of products and not product duplication as with Electrofrog and Insulfrog. A smart move.

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25 minutes ago, EWS60065 said:

@Bearwood West YardThanks, I glue the wheel units up on my OCAs for realism hence why the tighter curves can be problematic! The unifrogs sound a good idea but until all types are available I might be tempted to use electrofrogs as I have experience with those.

Ahh I see! Yes, realism sometimes does come with its own sacrifices. The Unifrogs are pretty good in the test stage. Though time will tell! They seem to be electrifrogs but with a much smaller frog and plastic area, so pretty much a mish-mash of Insulfrog and Electrofrog. But yeah, recommend keep using what you’re familiar with until they’re properly rolled out. 

Can safely say I won’t be doing any point upgrades once they’re rolled out, no matter how much better they look than Insulfrog 😅

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  • 2 weeks later...

January Roundup!


With the end of the month fast approaching, its time for an update. In terms of the layout, no further changes have been made since the above postings. For those who have just found and joined my thread, welcome!


Layout - Good news and Bad news

The four scenic boards are all operational as is the semi-scenic fiddle yard board I have just completed. This has now been commissioned independently but requires a small bit of work to integrate with scenic board 'A' - mostly from a railhead height and track radius perspective. To do this, I need to reheat the etched sleepers and fine tune the rail height before allowing the solder to set. Both boards will require this work. Only when I have the fiddle yard constructed can I run long trains over the baseboard joins and further iron out any problems should they arise. 

The other fiddle yard pointwork board will be the next board to tackle when the time is right. This comes directly from the station but unlike the last board, won't be scenic so pointwork can start straight after the backscene, utilising the whole board.


Sadly, this work is being postponed for the next few months at minimum as the layout and all workbench materials go into off site storage for their own safety. I'll go into details when they are back and layout work resumes.


Workbench - Ongoing Project Updates


The workbench has been at a stalemate for the past 6 months or so, mostly due to all the layout kit clogging up the modelling space. Whilst this is the case, I'm conducting an efficiency exercise to determine where I'm wasting space and can best improve upon. As the layout and workbench are stored in an active bedroom, re-organisation is needed from time to time and thats where things currently stand. In particular, I'm trying to phase out a cheap bookcase and bedside table that contain all the paints and workbench materials along with layout tools. A lot of space here is wasted.


Test Train: Mk1 BG '6261' has been ready for decals since Autumn. '1256' Is having the ends done and then requires the roof to be sprayed. 977969 is in a similar boat. When these are all at the same stage, decals can be made and they can be finished as a batch.


LWRT: No further progress. Gantry to be completed once Test Train is off the bench.


MLA: The one bit of good news is that I have finalised the development for the MLA-B and I'm in the process of getting initial prototypes 3D printed. As it stands, each wagon contains 58 components over 3 sub assemblies and a general assembly. To avoid problems with component misprints, the ribs are to be printed separately to the main sides for now. This will mean greater expense in the short term but I aim to integrate the components once I know they print reliably and I'm aware of any defect areas. 

With the interest in this project, I am still hoping to make a saleable batch. However, this will only be possible if I can produce these for a reasonable price per unit and market them for an equally fair but affordable price. 

I've created some renders to get a feel for what the model would look like once painted. These are of the B variant in EWS and Network Rail.


ASY005 NR GBRf Render (1).png

ASY005 NR GBRf Render.png

ASY005 EWS Render (1).png

ASY005 EWS Render.png

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MLA looks awesome! Really hope you will be able to produce them to a price you're happy with. Just to clarify, when you get to the final prints the ribs will be attached to the body won't they?


You may have already but can I recommend adding a face/bevel at the end of the air tank to avoid the conical shape - just something I found helpful when designing stuff myself.



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20 hours ago, EWS60065 said:

MLA looks awesome! Really hope you will be able to produce them to a price you're happy with. Just to clarify, when you get to the final prints the ribs will be attached to the body won't they?


You may have already but can I recommend adding a face/bevel at the end of the air tank to avoid the conical shape - just something I found helpful when designing stuff myself.

The plan is to print them with ribs attached to the body. At this stage, it’s more about ensuring everything can be printed problem free. But for now, the ribs will locate just like an airfix kit onto the sides. 
The ends of the reservoir do have flats, should air pipes and under frame detailing be done with styrene at a later date. The angle of screen grab just isn’t great. 

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On 04/01/2024 at 15:13, Bearwood West Yard said:

Thanks for your compliments. I did notice a pair of Lobster's in Didcot Railway Centre by the entrance back in late October and again in mid December, so explains possibly why they are there. Any clues as to why they are going for scrap? Unless they were a short term stopgap until the tsumani of purpose built FEA-W and MLA's were ready for action.

The Lobsters at Didcot are assisting with the construction of a new entrance for the Railway Centre.


As for the scrapping, rumour going round is it's because the Hawks can't carry as much as intended, so have ended up replacing the Lobster rather than adding to the Falcon fleet. The body on the Hawks is also an awkward shape which slows unloading.



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  • 3 weeks later...

With building management having resolved various issues of severity, I’ve been able to bring the layout out of external storage much earlier than expected. So some good news for February. 
I’ve also brought the next fiddle yard board which I’ll start work on around March. 

In the meantime, I’ve been upgrading my modelling facilities. More shelves going on the wall for models at different workbench stages, a new tool chest/roll cab combo for workbench tools, paintbrushes, general tools and paints is a big step in the right direction. 

The largest paint/wash bottles in my collection are MiG /Ammo weathering wash bottles and these just fit in the deeper 84mm drawers. Humbrols and MiG/Ammo paints fit comfortably with all my decade-old Airfix starter set paints. The Hobbyzone storage units served me well but are just not quite practical without a permanent workbench - plus the difficulty in obtaining them since 2019. I’ll be keeping some for project specific boxes but only half a dozen. Should prompt me to get what I’ve got on the go done before starting anything new!

Speaking of Airfix, I’m warming up the modelling mojo again with a few ship and aircraft kits after a good half decade hiatus. I find it easy to get burned out from just doing rail related workbench things, so these will be a good test to see if changing projects and kits around every so often will keep the mojo intact. As much as gaming is also another hobby of mine, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t also wanting to heavily reduce my screen time 😅


That’s all for now! 




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A weekend of good progress made. The next Fiddle Yard board has seen track mostly laid, alongside what felt like a full box set run of “Yes Minister” on a channel of a name that escapes me - for this weekends background noise! As this area won’t be ballasted, I’ve opted to cover the whole top with cork sheet. Main objective this weekend was to get the track sections loosely laid and lined up. I’ve succeeded in my plan to have a line from the yard headshunt onto the up main, so I can have long trains continuously running from the scenic yard to the scenic yard and appearing to be a “new train” when it appears on the scenic section. Plus, this headshunt also acts as a run round loop for the longest of trains. 
The gap in the middle of the 10 roads will allow for a removable road indicator to be installed. Most layouts have an overhead gantry of numbers for siding ID and the fiddle yard will be no different. 


More to come on this board in the coming weeks! 

In workbench news, I’ve completed my previous renovations and have quite the facilities now. Lots of shelving for storage! I’ve even bought another kit of HMS Ark Royal with a Destroyer! Back onto rail… Test train coach 977969 has had the roof sprayed up into Polar Grey. All I need to do next is sort out 1256 to get up to the same standard. The T45 and T23 hulls have been primed and I’ve made a start on the T23 with some new Tamiya paints. First time using them and I rather like them as opposed to Humbrol par the odour. Either way, I am tempted to bite the bullet and buy the full Tamiya acrylic range 😅


Thats all for now






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  • 4 weeks later...

March Update:


With few opportunities to further the current fiddle yard progress, I’ve been turning my attention more towards the workbench.

1256 has had the roof sprayed into Ford Polar Grey, with attention now turning to the end details. 

977969 has had the ‘end detail’ treatment. A full new set of handrails fabricated from 0.5mm styrene, located into new positions on the carriage end. Those holes drilled to Ø0.8 with a pin vice for good location and ease of gluing. The orange electrical boxes are from pieces of scrap styrene billet trimmed to the right appearance and painted orange. Now at the same stage as 6261, transfer size testing. 

As my transfers are fully homemade, the process is a bit of trial and error. This often involves countless hours on Microsoft Paint to produce details and writing that at scale are no more than pixels, followed by multiple scalings publisher at “around the right size”, before printing onto paper and cutting them out for a size test and “yes that looks right against pictures” check. I’m at this latter stage with 977969 and 6261 currently. These both going for the circa-2014 look.


Other than these, I’ve been working on the “Sub Hunter’” Type 23 Frigate, renewing my fine painting skills after a lot of time away from the finer brushes. 








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  • 4 weeks later...

April Update


With another month having passed, things are starting to gain momentum once again.


Following on from last month, I’ve finalised the transfers for test train coaches 6261 and 977969.

Having selected the appropriate size transfers from the test sheet, I have added these to a separate Publisher document. As a rule of thumb, I always print double what I will need as ink does sometimes run during post print handling and initial lacquer application.


I may have stated my transfer manufacturing method a long time ago but for the benefit of those who have followed this thread since (hello and welcome by the way!) I’ll go over how it’s done the Hardy way.

- Printing is done on a domestic Epson XP-4155 series Inkjet printer, nothing fancy. I adjust the paper settings to Prem Gloss.

- For paper, I use both Clear and White inkjet water slide papers sourced from Mr Decal Paper. Because white cannot be printed, anything requiring a white background or contains white is printed on white paper, while the rest is printed on clear to enable the colour of the applied-to surface to show through. I sourced this paper via EBay about 4 years ago. Once I’ve printed what I need, I cut off the excess paper to be used again another time.

- My lacquer of choice is PlastiKote Polyurethane Varnish. With the paper on the lid of an old plastic storage box, I spray from 12-18 inches away in an across motion from the top of the paper down, attaching the rest of the box to prevent dust and other particles attaching to the sticky lacquer. I repeat this with another lacquer coat again after 15-20 minutes. I then leave these a full 24 hours to dry. 


The Clear transfers are in the picture below and are now curing after their 2nd lacquer coat. The White transfer sheet will be printed once this set has cured and the outside conditions for spraying are favourable.


In other news, I’ve said goodbye to some models and welcomed some new. The EMT 158 and Bachmann DCC Sound 66040 have since departed for new homes, with additional stock also being made ready for sale.

Adding to the fleet, is an original Bachmann 8-pin Class 37, 37412 in Transrail livery. A bargain off eBay and compatible for the EWS 37419 shell I bought last year for respray into Dutch-Transrail. Whichever shell is used, it suits well as a ‘stand in’ loco for the Regional Railways Mk2’s - stock which will undergo its own project with time.


The MLA’s are currently on hold in terms of getting EP1 prototypes printed. The files are ready to go, it’s just a matter of being in a position to commit to a print budget before contacting the studio for a quote. Part of the reason I’m selling some of my stock, in addition to funding Accurascale pre-orders.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Another month has rolled by and despite modelling at a pace a snail would look fast, we are starting to get some workbench results. 

After the last update, I finished track laying on the current fiddle yard board, and drilled the cable bores through the baseboard. A new soldering iron on the scene so that is fun and games to find what temperatures work best - given you can’t always trust the thermal probe reading. Started soldering in the evenings after work, typical I get a few lines in and Covid strikes… just when we have the perfect outdoor weather! 

In the latter day or so before returning to work, I managed to do the fine art of brush painting the door handles and steps of 6261 along with some minor paint touchups. 977969 also received the door handle painting.

The body shell of 37419 was also plopped into a vat of 100% IPA. I’ve since primed the stripped body shell with  the usual Rust-Oleum grey surface primer. I’ve decided to trust the airbrush since its ultrasonic clean and have taken delivery of some Railmatch enamels. Yet to finalise a running number, the hunt for a 37/0/1/2 with correct ends, roof and chassis are ongoing.


For the time being, I am motivated to see through the completion of the first two test train coaches. As I type, 6261 has started receiving decals. All transfers are produced in house with the exception of the cantrail stripe, which is from Railtec. Some of the previously applied detailing on the ends have had to be pried up to gain access for decal application.

Given the efforts made to get 6261 to this standard, I would be falling short in keeping the commonwealth bogies. In the post are some B4 bogies which will bring the Mk1 BG into the 21st century. I might finally soon be within sight of something leaving the workbench… shock horror! 






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  • 4 weeks later...

The last few nice weekends having been taken up by good old annual DIY tasks, I’ve finally managed to secure a nice day for the workbench to try and gain some momentum. 

Compressor dusted off, I’ve decided to put a wedge of trust in my Iwata Neo airbrush - something I had shied away from due to paint splattering problems. And hence my useage of Halfords rattle cans…

Since giving a full day in an ultrasonic cleaning bath late last year, it’s taken until now to give it another go. And the results I am rather pleased with. Concluding my respray research, I’ve finalised the running number of the Transrail 37 as 37 197, invoking rule 1 to get away with the missing nose handrails. Though this is something I can always add later.


37197 is the ideal candidate, a Cardiff Canton shedded Dutch 37 reallocated to RR Wales & West from March ‘92 and Transrail from May ‘95. To my delight, working Weymouth - Cardiff, Bristol - Bath and Bristol - Weymouths in the summer of both these years. Class37.co.uk has been an invaluable source for workings, pool allocations and photographs.


I’ve applied 6 light coats of Railmatch warning yellow (Enamel) over a period of 2+ hours. The heat of the sun quickly drying the thin coats but still giving 15-20 minutes between coats. I use a 60:40 ratio of 1.5ml paint to 1ml white spirit to get the right consistency. This did two coats comfortably. 

Tamiya masking tape for the large grills, behind the engine room windows, nose light bores and across the cab doorways. Cheap paper masking tape used for masking the roof fan and cab window exteriors. 
This has plenty of time to cure before masking begins for Railfreight Grey as current weather forecasts are less than desirable another week… 

This is my first loco body shell respray, on top of being the first time since 2020 that I’ve properly used an airbrush - so it’s been a nervy experience to say the least.


6261 now has the cantrail stripe below the roof, a rather subtle detail on the side but noticeable on the ends. The B4 bogies have arrived and will need modifying due to sitting higher than on the commonwealth’s. I will need to file away the current bogie ‘seat’ and machine a new bogie pivot as an insert to bring the ride height down.







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