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Printing Ore Wagons

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I was wondering, when you print ore wagons and if they fit within the print area (Anycubic Photon).  Would you print them as one complete part or separate it out into sides, end and under carriage.


If you print them as one part, would you orientate the wagon so it's supported from the inside of the wagon or from the outside.  I guess if it's support from the inside there is the added weight of the resin sitting inside.


However if it's support from the outside then one end will have no supports unless you can support it against the model itself.



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Typical 4 wheeled 4mm scale wagons will generally fit within the print area of an Anycubic Photon S with no problem, even when printed on an angle of about 30 degrees on supports. Small carriage bodies also print this way.

7mm scale wagons and carriages are a bit more of a problem. In theory a 7mm scale wagon body up to about a scale 16 feet long, ie a typical pregrouping size, should fit on the print bed but there are snags with printing large items flat on the bed if a floor is included. Any large flat design parallel to the bed will cause suction problems as the first of each layer of a large flat area is likely to break up when the printer moves up to print the next layer. That's one of the reasons for printing on an angle but tipping a wagon lengthways will limit the length that will fit on the bed, and tipping it sideways might be limited by the bed width too. I have been printing some pregroup 7mm carriages in two complete halves, parallel to the build plate but upside down on supports linked to a raft for good adhesion to the bed (the idea being that the supports snip off a plain roof and clean up really well, unlike from any detailed section) but am having problems with the width. The guards lookouts are too wide, by only about half a millimetre, to print on the Anycubic Photon S bed. In theory they should fit, in practice they don't!

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I should have said HO so it fits with the Photon, (I just have the photon, no S).


Well, my first test print (9hrs) went this way, will have to go back to the model and change a few dimensions to the undercarriage and some of the detail on the weagon.  Definitely need to think about the type of supports and where they go.  I tried to inclued the air tank which as a mistake.  So the air tank and brakes wil have to seperate parts and glued on afterwards.  The smaller details came out ok once I primed it (the spray painting skills need more work) but I think will make those a bit more defined.


There is a slight bow in the side walls when view from above and it bows up in the middle a bit when viewed from the side.


Using the Anycubic green resin, is too brittle especially when it comes to taping the threads for the bogies and couplers, I used 2-56 screws for both, but I think I'll use 0-80 for the couplers just to geive a bit more meat to bite into. So will have to look into another type of resin, a few people have mentioned Monocure 3D or alternatively look into casting instead.  Not sure if the resins are similar or the casting resin is stronger.


Will have to look a weighting the wagon somehow, maybe make a compartment within the undercarriage.


All in all I'm pretty happy how it came out, and it even did a few laps of the layout.  So far it's heading in the right direction.




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So there's a bit of bow in it, I think the detail could be a bit thicker. I'm not sure where to add additional weight, it's a bit light. There's other mistakes with the placement of supports.

It's more of test, more thought is required.


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  • 2 months later...
11 hours ago, regme said:

Well thing's are not going so well, I'm getting these lines coming through, it's no the supports.  I'm not sure what it could be as the model looks fine.


I've had similar problems with missing pixels on the LCD which gives vertical channels up the side of prints.   It might be difficult to check if there are missing pixels,  and specks of dirt or left over set resin on your FEP could cause the same problem.  You could try moving the part in the slicer to a different position on the build plate to see if the problem goes away - or moves elsewhere.



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