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DR5013 Digikeijs Reverse Loop Module


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Sorry if I didn't explain clearly earlier, I didn't see the need at this time for the volt meter, because the loco IS running manually without fault. All tests have been carried out with manual loco control.


Having had my tea I came out again to run the loco on ALL sections of track on board-1. The loco runs without fault manually operated. I have passed that stage but still have the issues mentioned.


The reason I am watching what is happening on screen is that knowing the loco works manually I am expecting what I see on screen to work  correctly also, or find an issue and look to fix it, but the faults are not making sense to me. 


So where am I at now?


- loco works manually, no faults, on ALL of board-1 


So I look further to narrow down and resolve issues


- iTrain works offline, releasing blocks as it should


Image of Board-1

The Loco was manually run, backwards and forwards, without error on

Blocks SF-P1 to 4 and RL101 & 2




I know you said leave this and get the locos running manually, but I have and they are.


Knowing these to are correct I try narrow down the issue


- I have removed the loop wiring, plotted every location, left to right and from the wall outwards, then rewired them simplified with just one pair of wires from each track, outer and inner loops. (Blocks)


- I have done the same track and trace for the feedback's, to the DR4088LN and to the bus.


The problem, seems to me, though I appreciate I am just learning, appears to be between the modules and iTrain, though we know iTrain runs in offline mode as it should. 




The wiring is as simple as this, track to top of module, out at bottom to DCC Bus, maintaining L & Com in and out as diagram.


This is why I am baffled 


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I found the wiring error!


I plotted above the layout, distance from the left cm, distance from the wall cm. Then with the board uplifted I plotted beneath the layout, three/four times I checked and didn't find the error, everything seemed fine, than I found the issue, I had two pairs of wires with similar references. 


I had noted a location 66/64R (cm), but there was also one 64/66R they were crossed


MOVING ON (Board-1 only at this stage)


I have two long blocks outer track (one the reverse loop block)


One reverse loop block on the inner track, via turn outs, to three separate blocks.


Image of this board at top of this page.



A loco was run from the reverse loop block to the adjacent block, first the outer track, then the inner tracks. There were no shorts the loco ran perfectly.


In every situation the loco ran from the reverse loop block, into the next block and did not release the previous block?


Loco length 28cm

No carriages or wagons, therefore Train length also 28cm


Reverse loop block outer RLB101 - 295cm  to  SF-P1 - 198cm


Reverse loop block inner RLB102 - 180cm  to  SF-P2 - 140cm

Reverse loop block inner RLB102 - 233cm  to  SF-P3 - 140cm

Reverse loop block inner RLB102 - 233cm  to  SF-P4 - 140cm



Return journey from SF-P1,2,3,4 to RLB101 or 02


Before commencing loco moved from SF Block to another distant block then back again, to clear previous block error and get a clean test.


In every situation the loco ran correctly and the previous block cleared correctly


Loco length 28cm

SF-P1 - 198cm to  Reverse loop block outer RLB101 - 295cm



SF-P2 - 140cm  to  Reverse loop block inner RLB102 - 180cm 

SF-P3 - 140cm  to  Reverse loop block inner RLB102 - 233cm

SF-P4 - 140cm  to  Reverse loop block inner RLB102 - 233cm


The good new...

- the loco runs block to block without error

- iTrain and Digikeijs DR5013 Reverse Loop Module and DR4088LN Feedback's work one way in all situations, but gives the same issue in all situations in the other direction, on inner and outer tracks.


The feedback's in both blocks are working correctly, showing and releasing correctly.


The only issue now is the previous block not clearing in one direction in all 4 instances?


Any ideas guys?



Edited by model-trains
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