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N Gauge Roof Supports

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Happy New Year Everyone!


Does anyone out there know of any supplier of Ornamental roof supports for N Gauge? 


I'm in the process of kitbashing Scalescenes Large Station and, in the process, am scaling the canopy roof into two sections to cover 4 tracks and three platforms.  As a consequence, I need some supports on the central platfor to support the two roof sections.


Now I could kitbash the parts already in the Scalescenes kit or make up something up using toothpicks or whatever but before I get to that point I thought I'd look for the sort of ornamental column supports that are the norm on a major station such as those at York (see below) .  However, I've just spent the first part of 2020 on a fruitless search on the internet so I wonder if anyone out there knows of a supplier and so save me wasting too much more of the New Year!


Many thanks in hoopeful anticipation!


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Hi John,


N-Scenic and York Model Making were 2 of the (very many) websites I've looked at but neither had quite what I was looking for.  I feel sure there must be someone out there doing what I want and I'll keep on looking but if anyone can guide me to that someone...................


Many thanks,



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