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Bachmann class 08 lighting kit


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I have just finally recived my Bachmann class 08 DCC lighting kit from express models. I was wondering if anyone else out there has attempted it and has any hints or tips for me?

Also reading the instructions there seems to be a fair amount of "weight loss" on the engine does this affect pulling power? thanks in advance, Phil

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It depends upon which version of the Bachmann 08 you have. The earlier, (non DCC Ready) had the lamp moulded into the body which is fine. The later versions have a plug in style lamp which happens to be transparent and the light will bleed through the sides, the solution to this is to use a black permanent marker on the fibre optic to stop this happening. In the cab area you are also likely to have the same issue with light bleeding through the windows, I got around this but painting the underside of the glazing and also the PCB board that the LEDs are mounted on. The Bachmann 08 I did that was DCC ready, I ended up hard-wiring the decoder in and removed the socket to create extra space.


With the fibre optic you can put a slight curvature to the end to form a lens by putting it close (but not touching) to a hot soldering iron, it looks a bit better than a flat squared off lens. In addition I also drilled out the lights that were left non-operational so that they looked consistent to the rest.


With other express models kits I have not installed the extra circuit board with the resistors installed, simply to reduce space, and instead soldered them in-line with the wires and sealed within heat shrink. However this is not for the faint hearted.


Admittedly I haven't used the Express Models kit on mine, I built one myself and didn't end up removing any weight to install the lights, however I do have one on order for another 08, so I would be interested to see how they have done it. The 08 I have with sound where I have had to remove weight, it doesn't appear to have effected it pulling power greatly.


I will await with bated breath to see what the postman has delivered when I get home.




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