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brass sheet sizes

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I have never really paid much attention to the thickness of brass sheets for modelling as I inherited a stash and used what l 'felt' was right. However I have run out of the sheets I use for coach bodies.  I generally use thin sheets as I tend to brace the inside with compartments window surrounds etc.

What sort of thickness IN MILLIMETERS, would be a good choice?  0.2, 0.3, 0.5 mm?  I need to be able to solder without too much distortion but be able to easily cut the sheet with a heavy duty craft knife. (As I said above, I didn't pay attention to the thickness/gauge of the sheets but I'm guessing 0.5 upwards) ?

All responses welcome



Edited by d00m
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14 minutes ago, chris p bacon said:

As a general rule When I etch locomotives I use 0.4mm Nickel silver, for coaches I use 0.3mm brass, this allows for laminations without the side being too thick and difficult to bend.


Thank you. It sounds as if I have been using 0.3mm brass. Compartments , window surrounds, windows  and inset doors seem to have resulted (for the most part) in a strong carriage body.

Time to order in more supplies!!

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I always buy from the K & S metal centre at my local model shop. As K & S are American they still use good old British dimensions. My favourite thicknesses are 10 thou for superstructures (close to 0.25mm) and 15 thou (just under 0.4mm).

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