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With the current situation I thought it was about time to start a thread for my new N gauge layout.  The name Around Cornwall is just a filler for now before I come up with a proper name. Any suggestions are very welcome. 

The idea is a west country themed area with the inspiration from par but in no way like it. I like the idea of a cross over under a bridge leading into a yard with the mainlines carrying on bye. 

The main problems I have with layouts is I never settle with what I have and and get bored and with space at minimum, some thinking needed to be done. 

So after a few discussions with my brother we finally came up with a plan . 

Now for the interesting bit ( hopefully)  

The board size is 35 x 28 inches ! It features a double track main line and yard with head shunt, there will be an island platform near the yard and a road over bridge will have a station building on top to create the break for the tunnel, there is no fiddle yard (yet). There will be a hidden siding which I will look at adding a connection to a small fiddle yard board latter down the line. 


So i can have trains running but at the same time I can shunt which I enjoy doing, so best of both worlds. I have settled on 1970s but no specific time really.

It will be DCC and hopefully when funds allow I will start to add sound. 

I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea but I think it captures what can be done in n gauge. I am a big fan of Steve farmers layouts on here and is great source of inspiration for me. 


All the credit so far goes to my brother (shanks522) thanks Graham ! 


Without wishing to bore you all to much I shall leave you all with some pictures of progress 

Many thanks 











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Here is a quick list of stock for Around Cornwall. 



BR Blue class 20 

BR Blue class 47 with grey roof. (Awaiting arrival ) 

BR Blue class 52 

Blue and grey class 108 



blue southern utility van

blue PMV 



BR bauxite 20t brake van 

BR grey 16t mineral wagon X2 

BR bauxite 16t mineral wagon X3 

BR China clay wagon (no hoods) X7





And pride of the fleet so far, this really does take some beating





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  • 2 weeks later...

No progress to report on the layout front as we moved house 2 months ago so lots of decorating to do and and garden revamp in progress. 

But a couple of stock additions 


First 47 



And inspection salon 



I have also taken delivery of my China clays which I will try and get some pictures of tomorrow 



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Couple of snaps of the Peco China clays

These will form a clayliner with a box van. 

I was abit unsure about getting Peco clays but in person there not bad at all and with some weathering on I'm sure they will look the part once finished. 







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Plastic wheels Gray,  but I will look to changing them at some point as I think it will sound better on the points. Once it's all ballasted that is. 

I've got the western ,got the clays, just need the box van now and that's the formation done for that one. 


I Will get a rake of clay hoods aswell but I'm going to wait for the farish ones to come out, and at £20 a pop it might take a little while but that's the advantage of having a small layout and small rakes ! 



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I would change the wheels as soon as you can, plastic won't be good to the track, will increase the dirt, plus metal wheels will run better.


have you got  a picture of the train your replicating with the western? 

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Good point !  I will try and find suitable replacements. I will have a look on that well known auction site. 

I have somewhere I have got a few there's a couple with 12t box vans and 1 with a VDA for abit of variety 



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  • 2 months later...

Thought it was about time i did a little update. There has been very little time for any modelling since i went back to work. But i did manage a few hours a couple of days ago. 

I placed an order a few weeks back for ballast static grass and platform edging. And i have also managed to pick up a couple zimo 6 pin decoders for a very reasonable price. 

My parents very kindly bought me a blue Dapol 33 which may mean bringing the location to the devon side of the west country. And there is another loco on the way but i will reveal when i get my hands on it. 


Time for some pictures now ballasting has commenced and platform sides are in aswell, also gave the whole thing a spray with mud brown to give a base calour. 







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With nicer weather today i thought i would grab a couple of pics of the locos so far. 

First up is my new crompton 33020




The line up as it stands atm. (with a new one on the way ;)




Couple close ups 






All need buffer beam detail any weathering except the western. 


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  • 2 months later...

I cant beleive its been so long since my last proper update. No work has been done on the layout as i have been working through out these last few lockdowns, but a few new additions at christmas and abit of time ment that me and my eldist managed to get the layout out the loft for alittle playtime 


Spoilt by my brother he got me the mk1, southern parcels van, and the airbrush and we came to an agreement over the mk2 brake he had. 









Yesterday i took delivery of this little lot 




The buffer stops on the layout need replacing there's a few missing my fault.

A couple of peco box vans (i will never have to many!) And iv been wanting to get a 37 but i wanted a centre head code one and have been struggling to aquire one. Completely forgot that kernow did 37207 which is perfect for the layout so quick check on the website and one was snapped up straight away. 






And finally little man at the controls with a 20 and mail vans 




He also insisted that the building and Land rover must go in this postion so daddy was ordered to glue it down! 





Stay safe everyone. 


Edited by shreives
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13 hours ago, shanks522 said:

37 looks nice Stu, something a little different, and the box vans look ok. 

You need to get some clay out and sort the yard! Nice run down area in need of tlc. 


 Thanks Graham 

When i can find what I've done with the clay i certainly will. Then i can get all the point work ballasted and sprayed up. 

I do need to find out what is causing the electrical problems on the outter loop yet after we spoke and got it sorted it just stopped and now nothing is working so abit of work there to do first. 



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The Kernow “William Cookworthy “ doesn’t seem to have done well as there are still plenty in stock some years after this special edition was introduced. This is a shame as it is a lovely model with a rare livery that represents an interesting and unique moment in the history of BR.


Here is mine, serving in South Devon which I think is quite possible- maybe working up to Exeter Riverside.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks Chris your's certainly does look good with the clay hoods. I will be weathering mine appropriately from pictures in the future. But i am tempted to get another one and keep it in pristine condition but i wont be in any rush as theres still lots of other bits to get first and maybe abit of sound fitting hopefully. 



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  • 2 months later...

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