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57/3 - 47/7 chassis

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Howdo all! I want to model some of the 47/7 (shove duffs) using the bachy models! Now i know the tanks on the 47's available now are no good but by looking at the net the tanks and chassis look to be the right sort under the arriva 57/3. Does anyone know how similar they are? and also can you just simply fit a 47 body to a 57 chassis?


Thanks in advance!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Howdo all! I want to model some of the 47/7 (shove duffs) using the bachy models! Now i know the tanks on the 47's available now are no good but by looking at the net the tanks and chassis look to be the right sort under the arriva 57/3. Does anyone know how similar they are? and also can you just simply fit a 47 body to a 57 chassis?


Thanks in advance!



The 57's have sand boxes which the 47/7's don't. The under frame tanks are as modified for a 57, so wrong for a 47/7, and the 57/3 also has cut away buffer beams which depending on the era you model will also be a problem. You can get Heljan underframe tanks from Howes which you could fit in place of the Bachmann ones but the rest of it would require modification.

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