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Query about modifying kits

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Each sheet says on it: "Unauthorised distribution, copying, downloading, commercial exploitation or modification by the purchaser or any third party of this file or printout is strictly prohibited." Does "modification by the purchaser" mean I have to follow the instructions exactly (allowing for options)? Does it mean "commercial ... modification" so I can do what I want, as long as it is just for me?


For instance: I have purchased the factory warehouse. Can I add an extra floor, modify the image on my computer to give it a unique company name?

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Just think it is badly phrased:

"Unauthorised distribution copying downloading modification by the purchaser or any third party of this file or printout for commercial exploitation is strictly prohibited."

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No problem , you can use any kit as a basis of a model in any way you please, copyright has absolutely nothing to do with this! Copyright is the right of the original designers to maintain commercial rights, not to stop you using the kit as you please!! Just do not sell the original as your work!

Do not take copyright as any more complex, it is only complex when items are sold that are then copied for sale elsewhere.


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