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Little Timmy Train Spotting..

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  • Kevin Johnson changed the title to Little Timmy Train Spotting..
  • RMweb Gold

Hi I would like to say a big thank you for everyone who has taken the time to look at my diorama and for pushing the likes button. 
I know it’s not a layout but it just shows railway modelling can be achieved in a small space.:good:

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Hi @Kevin Johnson - I only just saw this nice little diorama. I especially like the second photo.
Although it's not a layout (of course) - it still captures a "moment" and a sense of atmosphere.
This is because of the added details here; the wall, the path, weeds and especially the figures - they add a sense of "human touch"
We can all identify with Timmy -  we must all surely have been in his shoes at some point,watching our first shunting manoeuvre or writing down the number of our fist loco...

There's something very positive to be said for building a really small micro layout or shelf diorama. It helps you to practice your skills and techniques, or try out new methods. Or if like me, you haven't done much modelling in way too long - it just plain keeps your hand in. Also, it can be good practice in using up a few odds & ends which are tucked away in a drawer somewhere, and which otherwise might not have seen the light of day.

Nice one Kevin :) 
PS. I think the neat "trick" in this little cameo is the fact you have two figures. I'm sure the gent / railway worker in the scene is also thinking about watching his first shunting operation, and perhaps he's already told Timmy that he's welcome to watch, but not to stray any closer....

Edited by marc smith
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  • RMweb Gold

Marc thank you for the kind words, I like building little cameo scenes like this as I find the larger I go to build the more my mind starts racing and you don’t stick to your planned layout.

I find it’s a great way to hone one’s modelling skills.:D

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