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Modelling Clapham station ( Secr and lbscr ) in 1950s (not clapham junction!)


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Hi all,


I’m afraid I’m very new to rmweb- so please tell me if I’m doing anything wrong but I thought it might be a good idea o just record things as I go along while building my layout. Also to share ideas and hopefully get some help - I might need a lot of it:D .


so far I have started to lay down the track in accordance to the plan that is hopefully attached.


i am afraid due to the size of the room I have had to make some compromise - so that the layout is (hopefully) recognisable as the station and yard, but is not precisely accurate. The two major changes I have made are the two double points (one with a long crossing) in the middle for extra operational interest, and the curves at the two ends. Other than that, I hope that, although not precise, it looks the part. Btw, it’s 10ft by 6ft.


the reason I chose this location was because of my interest in the south eastern and its locos and secondly the west London line extension and south London line that ran through this station. This gave me an excuse to run 8fs and even possibly 9fs on freight workings.


i have also made a start on scratchbuilding the ferry vans for the line, and am half way through an Italian one and in the process of the British 20ton ones.


hope that that’s interesting and please feel free to comment or point out anywhere where I have gone wrong.



Scan from 2020-12-17 11_22_15 AM.pdf

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Just finished transfers for the fs ferry vans - now just 3 more to go! Very happy with one side, however the other is not quite so good, maybe I’ll just have run it one way around. Although the transfers show, as per the prototype picture I have found, the wagon will be weathered semi-gloss (ex-works) so hopefully this doesn’t show up to much.




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hi oldddudders, 


i believe, but am not an expert here, that Voltaire road junction is the crossover between the sll and the Chatham lines, but please correct me if I’m wrong.

I was thinking anywhere between early 50s and early 60s ( just so I can run a class 71 and br ferry vans ) - I had previously thought that Voltaire road junction had been there at this time due to the few photos I had seen of the signals. I believe there is a photo on wikimedia - link below - that shows a signal with what I believe to be a left hand junction arm on the up lcdr. Maybe I’m being stupid or I have missed something, but do you know what this would be for then - possibly all the way down at factory junction ?


now thinking about it the signal could not have referred to Voltaire road junction - 


in the meantime I’ll change the signal at the up sll platform to just a start signal - will save a lot of work later


thanks a lot, Rohan



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I'm afraid that even after the VARS (Victoria Area Resignalling Scheme) stageworks commissioned the new crossovers at Voltaire Road and Crofton Road (near Peckham Rye) I don't think freight trains were permitted over the SLL until Atlantic Road Bridge - near the site of the former East Brixton station - had been substantially strengthened. I think this occurred some time later, possibly not until the freight business was looking for extra pathways to anticipate Channel Tunnel traffic.


It may be that in earlier times the bridge was not considered weak - but I am unclear where these freight services would have joined the SLL, since my recollection from the late '60s is that it was in effect plain line from Peckham Rye to Battersea Park.


None of this matters. It isn't much of a 'what if' to run freight on such an inner-suburban route, and round the corner at Factory Junction onto the Ludgate Lines as happens now - so just carry on!

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Thanks a lot oldddudders - your clearly a lot more knowledgeable than me !


I think, due to many photos I have seen, that the wll extension that ran to hither green passed through Clapham station, so that gives me a chance to run a great variety of stock including summer specials such as from Leicester as well as goods from Willesden, temple mills etc. 

it would appear, thanks to your knowledge that on the sll half there was really only therefore 2 epbs running and earlier 2sl s - so I might just set up a regular shuttle of 2 epbs or even 2-sl s if i can bring myself to kit build one, thus freeing up space in the fiddle yard.


The plan was to have on the Lcdr lines the usual passage of ramsgate expresses, boat trains and freight from the wll, and on the sll a small freight service with a 2epb. I guess a shuttle is now sounding a bit inviting to me


thanks, and now I’ll have to research how early the Stratford LIFT to hither green continental was running :)

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Yes - I believe 4 Ceps and beps with the occasional 2hap. Hopefully I can get a good balance between them and steam workings.


a bit random, but does anyone by any chance have any photos or knowledge about Clapham signal box, I believe there was one, but haven’t found anything else about it ?


thanks, and hopefully track for first board should be nearing completion by tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Premium
8 hours ago, Oldddudders said:

I'm afraid that even after the VARS (Victoria Area Resignalling Scheme) stageworks commissioned the new crossovers at Voltaire Road and Crofton Road (near Peckham Rye) I don't think freight trains were permitted over the SLL until Atlantic Road Bridge - near the site of the former East Brixton station - had been substantially strengthened. I think this occurred some time later, possibly not until the freight business was looking for extra pathways to anticipate Channel Tunnel traffic.




The Atlanic Road bridge and that over the A23 were indeed replaced in the early 1990s to accommodate channel tunnel freight.


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Thanks everyone for your input, 


i am lucky to have located a wtt for the Chatham lines, apart from the wll, so this should make things a lot easier - a book by xpress publishing “The Kent coast” has been extremely useful.


hopefully I can manage to bring myself stop researching and manage to do a lot on the layout this weekend.


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  • RMweb Gold

I'll be watching this as in the 70s  I had a flat  in  one of the houses  on  Gauden Road, (the unnamed road in the middle of your plan), backing on to the goods yard. No goods yard by then, and I remember that Clapham was thought one of the most run down stations at that time. One of the buildings near the main road was Adcola House, a works/offices for the soldering iron makers. I don't think I have any useful pictures from those days, but will have a look later.



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Hi Dave,


thanks a lot,


there is a photo from the britainfromabove website, that shows gauden road, the goods yard and the station, albeit in 1950, perhaps you maybe able to recognise your house from there.




i am afraid you’ll have to sign up to zoom in, but signing up is free so not too bad.

thanks again


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The first (far left) scenic board has had its track layed - (almost)!


generally happy with the finish although the 3rd line needs to be aligned closer and more to the shape of the up and down main lines. This will provide a bit more space for the south London lines to be shifted over a bit to give more space for a station. 

lastly, the up main line will need to be finished as somehow I’ve managed to run out of fishplates! Poor planning, I think


Next, I’m going to cork the main lines and the goods loop by sliding it under section by section - so it keeps its shape, but also is above the south London line and goods yard.


thanks, Rohan


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