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Duel braked Mk1's in N gauge

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Hi all


hope these questions find you all well.


I have recently decided to "finish" some Graham Farish Mk1's in a late 1980's early 1990's condition. For me this will involve some weathering  some transfers and the addition of a representation of the associated air tanks, distributors and air brake cylinders of the air brake system. The accompanying pipe work i will leave out to maintain sanity. I do not intend to model individual vehicles but would like to add these bits if i can to compliment the vacuum cylinders and "V" hangers.


The small amount of research i have done so far shows this subject to be quite a minefield. so to aid my task i would like to know if anyone know of any dimensions such as length and diameter of the above mentioned features (air tanks, distributors and air brake cylinders) so i can add these parts to the underframe. I know i may be splitting hairs  but i would like to maintain the proportions of the Graham Farish underframes. 


Also any information on the  placement of the air tanks under the coach. As i can work out these were positioned to the right of the coach (as viewed side on) opposite the existing vacuum cylinders. but if anyone has more info it would be appreciated.   


sorry if this has being asked before or if i have post this in the wrong section but Any information would be greatly received.


Many thanks Adam 

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