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I am building a small German depot layout based around a Faller kit and want to install Sommerfeldt OHLE on the line at the back (see attached photo) with the 2xBr01 on it. I want to have a practice run at installing catenary before having a go on my main Swiss layout. The line is 70 cm long so I plan to use 2x360 mm lengths of wire and have 2 masts (Sommerfeldt 185) and an anchor mast at the end of the line (Sommerfeldt 124). Would it be prototypical to feed the wires straight into the anchor or should I use a tension assembly (Sommfeldt 159) on the anchor mast at the end of the siding? I'm currently just planning what parts I need to order ready to get started.

Does what I have planned sound about right, am I missing anything? All help and advice gladly accepted as I've never built any catenary before.


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These are a couple of question.

German overhead lines have quite long segments between the tension assemblies, I think probably 1000m or so, so if your main line is just a small cut of a main line, it is not very likely that it would show the TA. But then, if it is for practicing, you could do. The crossover is quite complicated and is about three segment long, so you wouldn't see a small portion in your layout. I am sure you are aware the SBB has a completely different OHL system compared to DB.




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22 hours ago, michl080 said:

These are a couple of question.

German overhead lines have quite long segments between the tension assemblies, I think probably 1000m or so, so if your main line is just a small cut of a main line, it is not very likely that it would show the TA. But then, if it is for practicing, you could do. The crossover is quite complicated and is about three segment long, so you wouldn't see a small portion in your layout. I am sure you are aware the SBB has a completely different OHL system compared to DB.




Thank you for the comments,  I'm aware the Swiss system is very different, I just wanted to have a practice run and positioning masts and soldering wires before attempting on my much larger more complex SBB layout. I figured if I make a complete mess of it or find its just not for me better to have spent £20-30 on catenary than many hundreds....

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