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How to re-map F2 button on Prodigy.


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Some help needed if possible please. I have a Bachmann MR 1532 Class with firebox flicker that should work on F1 for the red light and F2 for the yellow so that when both on they give a realistic light effect. This loco is fitted with a Zimo 618 decoder. It works fine on a Hornby Elite but on my Gaugemaster Prodigy F1 works but F2 only works if you hold the button down. I have contacted Gaugemaster but their only advice was to re-map F2 button to another one but couldn't say how to do it. I have looked at the Zimo site and whilst it does give information on how to do it it makes little sense to me!!! Can anyone explain in simple  language how to do it?

Thanks in advance


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