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After many years of it sitting assembled but unpainted in a cabinet, I have finally got round to finishing off my Cambrian GWR hand crane.


The crane itself is basically done, but the match truck need transfers, and here I ran into a problem: I can't find a photo of the match truck in GWR livery, not even in the GWR wagon bible, which has drawings of a different wagon with full-length toolboxes (diagram L14).


All other GWR match trucks in the book have G Match Truck W and the number painted on the sides of the toolboxes, but I have seen a couple of these kits with the name of the location painted on the sides of the toolboxes and small G W on the single plank which formes the sides of the wagon.


Can anybody shed any light on the matter?


Thanks in advance.



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The GWR (generally) painted 'non revenue' wagons in black, which included such things as cranes, Loco Coal and PW wagons etc


Even 'Atkins, Beard & Tourret' in "the bible" aka GWR Goods Wagons refer to GWR painting as a 'guide' , you can bet your bottom dollar there was the odd exception, and someone with knowledge of that exception will be along shortly......hence my use of 'generally'.


But, black will be appropriate.


Brian R

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Thanks for the replies.


KNP's crane was the one that got me wondering. The lettering on his match truck doesn't match the "standard" pattern I've seen in Atkins, Beard & Tourret, or on the 12 ton crane at Didcot, so that got me wondering. I presume that there must be other pictures around I have missed.

Edited by Erudhalion
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The larger GWR cranes, 36T and 45T were also accompanied by another wagon, with wooden drop sides.  Atkins refers to this as a 'weight tender'.  I have found three pictures in JH Russell GWWA figs 317, 318 and 321 of the 36T cranes with these wagons.  The markings on those wagons were 'G Match Truck W'.  There was another line below the words 'Match Truck'.  I can not make them out, can anybody tell me what there were?


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I'll hazard a guess at "To Carry 20 Tons", with the Tare at the RH end.

Atkins, Beard & Tourret's "Big Book of All Wagons & That" has a photo of 37040 in WD livery (plate 268, p 223) that reads "To Carry 20 Tons. Tare 10-10" at the right hand end.


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