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Hi all i have a Bachmann Robinson 04 GWR Rod,the loco runs fine with the blanking plug in but when i put a 21 pin decoder in my Power Cab controller reads short circuit detected.

Anyone have any ideas what the problem may be.

Thanks Bob

P.S. have tried 3 different chips.

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From the description, there's a short circuit in the loco wiring.  Look for connections bridging pickups to motor terminals, which will be fine on DC (because that's what a blanking plug does), but a fault in DCC.   It won't be the first loco to have this mistake, usually from slightly shoddy work at the factory.   


If new, and there are replacements, return it and get one which isn't faulty.   If that's not an option, it's fairly simple electrical tracing/diagnostics to find and correct.   

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I have done away with the 6 pin male and female socket that connects the tender wires to the loco,re wired from motor and pick ups to the circuit board,still the same problem i therefore think the problem is with the circuit board.

Will try to obtain a new one and see if that solves it.

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