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  • RMweb Gold

Normally, this would be about the time of year where I would start posting details about our annual exhibition. However, sadly, I have to post the following statement from the Railway Enthusiasts Club.




We have taken the decision to cancel the 2021 REC Model Railway Exhibition after some considerable deliberation.

Whilst there are many indications that everything will have returned to some form of normality by the late Summer, we cannot be fully certain of this, however. Along with the possibilities of further waves of infection, the emergence of new virus strains and the retention of Social Distancing requirements into the Winter, these continuing uncertainties mean that it would be impossible to plan for the event whilst allowing for all necessary contingencies.

You will understand that ultimately the underlying factor must always remain the health and wellbeing of our Club-Members, Exhibitors, Venue Staff and Visitors.

Edited by Geep7
  • Friendly/supportive 2
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