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For those who might be interested in such things.....:-)


In an 'idle moment' (?) during the lock-down I decided to compile a list of the known 'roller' or 'stick' numbers given to S&DJR signal diagrams. Somehow that 'little job' morphed in writing a more detailed web-page about S&DJR signal diagrams in general, with information about their content, purpose, format and changes in styles over the years.


I have also included a few comments about the various sources for such material, including those which are commonly used by modellers. (I have not yet had chance to sight the new book from Irwell Press, so that may get mentioned in a future update.)  Some of my source material is a little vague on some details, so this page is more of a general overview that a detailed record, but hopefully it may interest some readers. I have included also a link to my online 'Errata' list for the 2018 update of Pryer Volume 3.


See  http://www.trainweb.org/railwest/railco/sdjr/diagrams.html


As always, any comments/corrections/additional material always welcome !




Edited by RailWest
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