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Can anybody help with a Seagate Personal Cloud problem?


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For a while I've had 2 Personal Cloud drives added to my home network. PC1 (as I call i) has been my backup drive for the desktop - in fact I've never had recourse to use it in anger!

PC2 had for a few years been used as my main data storage area, instead of on the desktop hdd. I've used various folders, such as Photo, Video, Music etc and saved things there, no problems. However, probably a month ago, I upgraded the hdds iun the PC to be 4x 1TB drives, and copied these foders on to them, thus making PC2 redundant. As I copied a folder across, I deleted it from PC2,that's all. So PC" sat there empty.

Now, I wish to re-use PC1 with a different backup system, and re-use PC2 also as a 2nd backup for 1x hdd. But I can't move anything to either Loud device. If I pick a file on the PC, aqnd try to save it to either drive, the dialogue box shows my network greyed out and empty. Yet I can go to the 'This PC' tree, scroll down the drives and folders to Network, and my 2 Clouds are there! And I can open them as well - but not transfer anything to them.



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