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A couple of rather specific questions on the above service if anyone can help??


I know it was booked to be worked by a 47/8 from at least 1999 until voyagerisation throughout (ie no change to an electric at BNS). I know that it WAS worked by an electric from BNS in 1992 , but at what point did it begin to be worked by a 47 throughout? 


Secondly, does anyone know what time it called at Banbury?


Many thanks if anyone can help???

Edited by 125_driver
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  • RMweb Premium

Not relevant to your time period but I grew up in Southampton and from early 70s to the mid 80s travelled up to Birmingham frequently some of which would have been trains for Liverpool or Manchester. It was normally a 47 but sometimes a 33*, usually with a loco change at Reading, although once or twice the Reading West curve was used and we didn't reverse*.


Anyway the relevant bit is I never once saw an electric involved - the 47 was already on coming into Birmingham. So not sure when that practice started and for how long.


*I wonder if this was just for relief trains which I remember running - it would always have been in holidays.

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