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I have fitted a class 60 TTS decoder taken from Hornby’s 60044 to an early model (60026).  The loco fires up with no problems but as soon as the throttle is applied it cuts out.


The loco (60026) runs smoothly on analogue and the wheels/pickups are clean.


I am using a Prodigy Express.


Does anyone have any suggestions/guidance?


Much thanks in anticipation.



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  • RMweb Gold

Sounds like motor overload protection kicking in, its possible that your 60 is drawing too much current, I would try switching the motor algorithm to the alternate setting,  but it could be the grease is too old and is causing issues. 56 suffer from this, so could need a good strip down oiling and clean.

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Take the decoder out, fit a blanking plug and do a motor stall current check on DC. That will tell you if the decoder is up to the job or if you need a bit more oomph. TTS motor limit is 500mA.

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