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'Hillside Junction' located in Devon!

Cliff - Exeter TMD

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Well after a break of around 30 years I am now in a position to build a Model Railway.

I am going to build a layout based loosely in the South West from around 2010 onwards, I may go earlier to allow me to run 50's. It will be approx. 30' x 14' and designed to be controlled from a PC, based on a Roco Z21 controller. It will be called 'Hillside Junction'. It will also show what is possible in a new build house (too many trusses lol). I do a lot of 3D printing so expect to see a few 'home made' items!

I will document my progress as I go. If anybody is interested in following, this is the page:-
Hillside Junction

Give it a like!

I am sure I will have many questions as I go, the hobby has changed a lot in 30 years. The DCC side is all new to me, so I expect I will be hanging around in those rooms quite a bit. I already have the Z21 and I am just waiting for my first decoder to arrive which will be fitted into a Class 150.

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