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Bachmann 14T ICI tank wagon 37-661 (maroon livery)


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Hello folks,

I have just acquired this lovely little tank wagon, and on the assumption that Bachmann have modelled an authentic livery I  was wondering if it was specific to a particular kind of product that this tank would have carried. I haven`t yet found any photos of an ICI tank in this livery so I am also curious as to what time period tanks in this livery were running? Someone told me they thought Bachmann indicated this vehicle is suitable for Era 3 (grouping?).

I am modeling the late 50s to early 60s so I`m wondering if tanks in this livery would be suitable for my period.




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Tourret "Petroleum Tank Wagons" has a picture of ICI 215 in a dark livery which is not black, so might relate to this. It is branded for Methanol Traffic, and carries a lot more text, including the standard wording about 'No naked lights' etc. He also has a photo of 308 in 1968, also for carrying Methanol, which is in normal class A livery, as would be expected. Both are 20T wagons not 14T, the model being the latter. The original regulations regarding tank colours date from 1902, suggesting that this livery pre-dates that, unless Methanol was not originally included in class A. 215 appears to have grease axleboxes, which disappeared from oil tank traffic fairly early, which possibly supports this early date.


Tourett is specific in content, and so excludes various other tanks, such as acid tanks, and I have no knowledge of ICI's numbering policy, if any, so 308 might be unrelated to 311. In BR days this livery would imply contents with a flashpoint above class B, i.e. above 60 degrees C/141 degrees F.

Edited by Cwmtwrch
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Thank you so much guys for your kind replies, sorry for the late response.  I`ve just got a copy of the Tourret book you mention and it is certainly very interesting. Seems like I`ll have to relivery and renumber this wagon then for my period!


Kind regards,



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