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Peco ST-245 advice


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It might be an obvious question for some but I am trying to determine the radius of the two curves on the ST-245 Curved Turnout, Left Hand. The Technical Specification on the website seems to be sparse on this question and there is no printed template to download either.


Secondat question: Is this the smallest radius curved point that Peco produce?



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5 hours ago, Kris said:

The outside curve is 3rd radius the inside curve is second radius.


Nope.  The curves on both are 2nd Radius, it's just that the outside one is made up with a composite of a straight section plus a curve

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As mentioned above the current curved set rack turnouts ST-245 and ST-244 have 2 second radius curves. 

Before releasing those points they used to do a version with 2 first radius curves (I think they were ST-242 and ST243), I have one of each in my spare track box and plan to use them at some point on a dock side layout.

You sometime find these on eBay etc if you are looking for a tighter curve - same problems with the large dead frog though and the current version

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