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Switchable tail lights???


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Most directional lighting installation videos I’ve seen seem to link the front and tail lights together.  Such that when the loco reverses both sets of lights “swap ends”.

Fine for running light engine but perhaps not so good when attached to the front of a train.


Unfortunately my knowledge in the field of loco lighting is somewhat limited, so I apologise if I’m touching on a tough subject here, one that does not have an easy solution.  I’m sure, like in many things, better informed folk can resolve problems such as this.  
My problem is that I may unwittingly have asked a tricky question for which the answer may be beyond me.


So can I ask please, for an electronics novice rather than an experienced worker, is a switchable tail lights solution achievable or would it be best just to stick with the headlights/ tail lights combo?


I did wonder if a wiring diagram might exist that I could attempt to understand.


best wishes for the New Year



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If the loco is supplied from the factory with the lights connected as you describe (many are), then you have to make wiring changes inside the loco to alter things.  


Yes its quite do-able, but the solution is going to depend on how the loco is internally wired, where on the loco PCB is the "best" place to cut a track, what to do with that cut track, etc..    Sometimes the solution is to chuck away the manufacture's PCB and fit a new one and rewire the entire loco.  


If you just want to disconnect the lights at one end, so you don't get the "wrong" lights at all times, then the quick way is often a bit of thin paper to block the contacts to the lights at one end.  



Some locos with more recent decoder sockets (eg. Plux, some 21-pin, and Next18) come wired with the lights separated out, then its just a matter of setting up the decoder (programming the function map) to do what you want it to do.   



- Nigel

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It depends on the loco and the decoder.  My Rapido class 28 and Bachmann decoder (Zimo MX618N18 in disguise) do it by default but an EFE class 17 with the same decoder just links the headlights and taillights as you describe.  See the other thread for details.


I would think the Bachmann Next18 decoder can be configured to make the taillights switchable on any loco if you know how.

Edited by rogerzilla
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Yes it is achievable. Both my Dapol Western Class and Class 22 have independently switchable tail lights. Sadly  though, I am not clever enough to tell you how to do it! Someone will be along shortly………..

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Adrian, if you can provide the manufacturer and type of decoder fitted that will help. If it's a Next18 decoder that may be all the information we need. If not then please also provide the model loco name, gauge, manufacturer and part number if known. 


The answer to your question may be as simple as a few cv changes to re-map the function outputs, as Nigel has said. If not then one way or another it should be achievable and someone on here will probably be able to give you step by step instructions.   

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