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A Maltese 'Crab'... does anyone know anything about this?

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Here's an odd one... on a recent holiday to Valletta, I happened to pass a Lufthansa travel agency (Bianchi's) in St Christopher Street and among the models of Airbus A319's and the like was a lovely (5 1/2" gauge?) 'Crab' nestling in its own window. Yes, a 'Crab'. Not 'Scotsman' or Mallard or something more commercially eye-catching, but a truly lovely model of my favourite kind of steam engine.


It's quite beautiful, but utterly out of place there in an ultra modern travel agency... does anyone know a back story? I did try to visit the shop but most of the time it was shut, and when it wasn't I was off doing other things alas.


There's a poor picture below - parking in Valletta is always at a premium and the space right outside the travel agency was always full so you could never get a good shot. But you get the idea...


Anyway... all replies welcomed!






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One of the guys who occasionally posts on the Classic 0 Gauge forum is based in Valletta. He collects Bassett Lowke’s finest and top-notch Exley coaches, and has a display layout round his office - it’s more a furniture-grade shelf than a conventional layout, all very posh. I wonder if this is his business.

Edited by Nearholmer
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