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sir douglas

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Everything posted by sir douglas

  1. ive finally got the buffers for the midland sleeper which was all it was waiting for to be able to finish it
  2. isnt it annoying when the screw keeps falling out
  3. sometimes it was a lever which sat in a slot in the road surface, sometimes there was a hole in one side covered by a chequer-plate for a removable lever (but this was more common on tramways) and others just threw the blades over with a crowbar lever in slot type at Bristol Harbour Museum https://www.google.com/maps/@51.4476976,-2.5988104,3a,37.6y,76.9h,77.59t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sAF1QipNpeIki6zBsYUWmuoVQsDwo6pV-OJd_L669DPfb!2e10!7i7200!8i3600?entry=ttu crowbaring at Liverpool docks. you can see a slot running across in the back ground from the left hand point to the wall on the right suggesting there was a lever or throw against that wall, suggesting that the points could have had some proper way of throwing but was now broken and they couldnt be bothered fixing it
  4. used to regularly see bats in my street at night up until a few years ago but i started seeing them again a few days ago
  5. Jamie, didnt you already draw up a 4mm version of your track plan for someone else several years ago?
  6. last week i walked over to Horbury Jnc to finally see for my self whats left of Charles Roberts, these are just the photos with track in them, i didnt get around to the Forge Lane on the North side as that would have added a bit more milage to my walk i couldnt quite do
  7. 1909 2 useful photos of crates and boxes i found this article an interesting read "A day's work on the footplate" a fireman's account of working an express from Euston to Manchester. the first paragraph being a rant against arm chair experts that claim to know about the working enviroment of crews in previous articles so this one describes a day on the job as it actually was Antofagasta & Bolivia rly (FCAB), Loa Bridge FCAB dining car, i thought this is interesting just because usually when you see a photo inside a dining car, its of the first class seating but rarely see the kitchen FCAB sleeping compartment early Maryport & Carlisle carriages Hull Dairycoates unidentified fairlie, the closest match i have is a 1874 Yorkshire for Georgia (east of the black sea not America)
  8. Friday afternoon a train on container flats with these empty cradles strapped to them, 2 chamfered timbers on a frame and 2 frames per wagon, went by, i presume they are for holding something round or curved like concrete tunnel sections? though i dont want to give exact place i took the photo as it is in my street it is likely to do with the Trans Pennine upgrade
  9. it would also be beneficial to you (if you dont already) to also advertise on NGRM, a narrow gauge focused forum
  10. my usual 3d printing friend
  11. while not doing much stock modelling, i'm still doing drawing and research for future projects
  12. 5 way stub on Mcleans island, New Zealand though these are 4 not 5 way, they are still interesting Hodbarrow Kemptown goods
  13. 1908 Beckton gas works taking on water from the canal aquaduct on the Alcester branch HC 656 "Somerton" belonging to CJ Willis on the Birmingham & North Warickshire Borsig 5896 "Marquesa", No15 of the Coquimba railway (FC de Coquimba) in chile a GW bus at Paddington MW 237 "Nellie" belonging to the Met for shunting Neasdon EMU depot. it was the only steam loco in the Met fleet light enough to cross the Brent river bridge, it had just come into service here at publication replacing an 1886 Hudswell clarke portrait of old David Joy, there is a lengthy 8 part article "links to the evolution for the locomotive, basically a history of locomotives with drawings from David Joy's diary Santiago shed
  14. Still been working on a few things here and there but not much to post about, though now ive got the scenic break backscene properly mounted on 2 brackets which form the ends of the embankment and the backscene slots onto bolts in these
  15. 1907 Cardiff Carlisle Glasgow central Clapham (Yorks) Churchill viaduct on the West Midland wagons being loaded with heather Port Louis on Mauritius
  16. ive been watching some of these in the last few days, lots of steam in Colombia, Cuba, Guatemala and Ecuador in the 2000's https://www.youtube.com/@trianghornby/videos it really makes me want to model it
  17. without a link to see it, "gauging wagon" sounds like loading gauge which checks the width and height of structures surrounding the track like platforms and bridges
  18. just one thing im wondering is that the breach end needs more support under it because its heavier, a bigger saddle and another axle or 2 while this is a lot bigger its the only example ive got is from Royal Ordnance Coventry. note that the breach end has twice as many axles under it
  19. a few weeks ago, a angle pois type lamp arm sat on top of a full skip, i couldnt pass it by just like this but a bit rusty and missing head, foot and 2 springs put on the head from a little flexi stand lamp we're not using, had to shorten the cable length between the head and switch so it sits at the joint. it will be a good replacement for my current desk lamp
  20. ive got about 40 of those Deagostini "Combat Tanks" collection from about 15/16 years ago, but now im having a clear out and have 2 big cardboard boxes of these wasting space. this isnt a for sale post just wanting advice on the right places to look into about finding someone that might be interested in taking the whole lot off me (example photo off the internet, not mine)
  21. ive now found a bit about it using reverse image search which gives a Russian railway forum, "Molodets" at Odessa port in 1869 http://forum.modelldepo.ru/showthread.php?t=9850&page=35&styleid=32
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