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Hornby 66 and Lima 59


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Does anyone know if I could use a Hornby class 66 motor or swap the full power bogie into an old Lima 59? Thinking of upgrading/updating an old motor and wondered if this would fit/be compatible.

Thanks, Ian

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I've never tried this (although I've fitted Lima motor units into the bogie frames of Hornby 25s, 29s and Hymeks) so I can't say for sure how much work would be involved. However if you'd like to explore the possibility at minimal cost Lendons of Cardiff should be able to help:




Drive units here, trailing bogies under 'Bogies and pony trucks' and underframes under 'Chassis' (not 'Underframes'!)

Just bear in mind that:

- Class 59 and Class 66 bogie sideframes are different (and the same is presumably true of the underframe side detail - not an expert on GMs!)

- The Hornby drive units are cheap partly because they have no wiring so are not 'ready-to-run' - some soldering will be involved, to get the 'juice' from the pick-ups to the motor terminals, and from the trailing end.

- Beware of trailing bogies being described as 'complete' - you get bogie frame, keeper plate and wheelsets, but no pickups!


I'd suggest X6437 for the drive unit, X7335 for the trailing bogie and X9669 for the underframe. For the trailing bogie an alternative is X9668 which is wired with pick-ups but has the large clip-on coupling.

Total cost should be around twenty quid (plus postage), which is why I used Lendons to upgrade a Lima 50149 and 47484 to 'Railroad' spec. Both of these use Class 66 bogies with the motor unit and trailing wheelsets swapped into the required bogie frames ordered at the same time (no connection to Lendons other than happy customer!)



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hornby changed the motor design of the old Lima models, and the mounting is different. The newer bogies mounts are a central peg on top of the motor housing. Youll have to change the whole chassis to fit the newer motor

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