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Info and 4mm scale drawings for H&BR Class B/LNER J23 locomotives sought please


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Just putting information together for now - I have just seen a photo of a LNER J23, Number 2252, at Robin Hoods Bay, working a Scarborough - Whitby pickup goods. This came as a big surprise, but obviously I'm now looking to construct one of these locos in due course.


As seen, 2252 had been fitted with a boiler seen formerly on a H1, so she was a bit of a mongrel by this time, but nevertheless, I'm now 'on the hunt', as it were.


I know that there was once a kit, but I suspect that these may now be rarer than hen's teeth, so scratchbuilding it will be.


A search hasn't brought up suitable drawings as yet. Photos - I'll look at my copy of Yeadon when I get home, but obviously any additional info would be gratefully received.


Thanks in advance


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    A Millholme "kit" J23 sold last week on ebay, for £180. The "kits" were woeful at best !! I have never seen any praise for it ever , horrid castings etc etc.  Scratchbuilding would be a much better option IMHO.

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8 minutes ago, micklner said:


    A Millholme "kit" J23 sold last week on ebay, for £180. The "kits" were woeful at best !! I have never seen any praise for it ever , horrid castings etc etc.  Scratchbuilding would be a much better option IMHO.

Cheers, Mick. Is that the kit that's more of a J28 than a J23?


As 2252 had an ex NER boiler for the period I want it to model, scratchbuilding is definitely looking most likely.


I understand that "Zenith", who I've never heard of, once did a J23, but I know nothing more than that.



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2 hours ago, MarkC said:

Cheers, Mick. Is that the kit that's more of a J28 than a J23?


As 2252 had an ex NER boiler for the period I want it to model, scratchbuilding is definitely looking most likely.


I understand that "Zenith", who I've never heard of, once did a J23, but I know nothing more than that.



Dogs Dinner perhaps!!.  Never heard of Zenith either.



Second thoughts, was "Zenith" someone from Denmark a Doctor or Dentist  who was going to make H&BR kits, a Q10 was produced , well at least one , selling via Walworth Models about ten years ago . Never ever saw it ever mentioned again anywhere,  or for actual sale.



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