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Le Hangar A Locos rolling roads


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Living in deepest, darkest, southern Europe, I found it almost impossible to get my hands on a rolling road, more so without all the rigmarole of Customs/imports from the UK (read: complete and utter unadulterated hell.)


So I thought I'd give a shout out to this lot: https://lehangaralocos.fr/


Mine arrived yesterday, and not having owned a rolling road before, I think it's pretty good!







Mine is for N, and I deliberately bought it with more rollers than I needed, figuring I can use them as spares should any fail. I got it from Amazon, which reassured me quite a bit should something have gone south with the order.


Granted, I don't think it's particularly cheap, and I can see that it's a mixture of 3D prints and hardware, and probably based off of a more established brand's design, but overall I'm very happy. And no, I have no affiliation, I'm just a customer that's extremely relieved to finally own a rolling road!


Does it look good to you? Do you have experiences with these?

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