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New Island Line book - ‘All Change at Ryde’


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I’m very proud to say that my new book, ‘All Change at Ryde: Upgrading the Isle of Wight’s Railway’, will be published this summer by Pen and Sword Books.

The book covers the full story of the Island Line upgrade from the final months of the 1938 Stock through to the introduction of the Vivarail Class 484s, and much more besides.  What happened to the 1938 Stock after withdrawal?  And how does a big train fit through a small tunnel…?


Includes a foreword by Sir Peter Hendy, Chair of Network Rail.


I know some of you have read my earlier book ‘Ryde Rail’.  If you enjoyed that, I hope you might like this one too.


It’s not out for months yet, but there’s a list of places you can already pre-order it here: https://linktr.ee/allchangeatryde


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Update: The publishers in their wisdom have now switched the title and subtitle around, so the main title is now ‘Upgrading the Isle of Wight’s Railway’, rather than ‘All Change at Ryde’.


The ISBN remains the same, so you if you’ve preordered a copy under the old title you don’t need to do anything.


Available to preorder from various websites (some of which might still be displaying the old title and/or cover).








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