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Roco Z21 app and Digikeijs base station

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Hi all,


I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed or if it was within the recent Z21 app update, but Roco seems to have taken a disliking to people using the Z21 app with other base stations such as the Digikeijs DR5000.


I went to connect to a friend's controller this evening which is usually without issue but I was greeted with a warning (see attached pics) and the app now has an option to unlock it for use with other systems at a cost of £17.49.


Without the purchase it limits the use with the Digikeijs system and has caused constant app crashes on my mobile device.


TBH, I don't blame Rocofor doing this, it's their app at the end of the day.


Unfortunately this could be costly for the club layout as this is the system and app they use and not all members will want to pay to unlock the app and neither will the club for the 5+ devices owned for layout operation.


Having checked other members devices, not all of them have this issue yet as their app hasn't been updated. 




Edited by Dan71D
Edit to title to include the word "app"
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