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  1. I think when you compare them on a like for like basis the Harman SC1 is actually much more than the YD8116 price because the YD8116 can handle multiple signals not just the one, and spare outputs can be configured to your choice you want, lamps, signals, turnouts, switches. Also the YD8116 could be operated from the DCC track signal however a separate supply is recommended because so many people just hang more and more stuff onto the DCC signal without consideration of the available power supply and when it all falls over the command station is never to blame, always the ancillary products😉 For high power turnout motors e.g. Peco, Seep and some others that need CDUs there is a specific YD8044 (4 motors) or YD8088 (8 motors)
  2. I think that the SC1 also uses DCCExt - does your command station provide DCCExt to operate signals? I would check that the SC1 will allow you to program the signals with your command station.
  3. @Nigelcliffe I checked before I mentioned it 😉 Click here to download (gaugemasterretail.com)
  4. Any item can fail, especially electro-mechanical items such as the autofrog from Gaugemaster, however they do offer a lifetime warranty on their products. But before you condemn the device check the back to backs on the wheels as it could be that they are shorting on the open blade when passing through it.
  5. As luck would have it YaMoRC make what you would be looking for :) YD6942 - common cathode to anode
  6. YD8116 is common positive which is inline with continental practice.
  7. AFAIK what this is showing are the connections that you need to make from the 8116 to your lamps. Output #1 is for the Red danger aspect - DCC Address #51 red Output #2 is for the green clear aspect - DCC Address #51 green Output #3 is for the yellow warning aspect - DCC Address 52 red Output #4 is for the feather - DCC Address 52 green The common positive should go back to the + connection between outputs #1 & #2 The aspects are for using with a controller (e.g. Z21) or program (e.g. iTrain) that supports DCCExt and save a huge amount of complexity as they only use one DCC address and they don't need the Matrix created above. Unfortunately I use DCCExt for signals and am going by what used to be done for these sort of decoders
  8. Did you cut the wires at the track end? If you did and the feedback you cut switched off then that point to a fault on the track. Check the isolation, the ballast, everything. A DR4088LN will show occupancy with only 1mA of current.
  9. are the wires to the fauly feedback running beside the track bus, or even bundled up with the track bus?
  10. There are several potential causes that might need you to do some work. I am assuming that all the feedbacks switch off when you remove the loco? You need to isolate the cause which could be; leakage across the track through ballast, damp, etc. cross-talk caused by wiring bundled together and/or small wire gauge e.g. 7/0.2 faulty unit For 1 & 2 you need to disconnect a feedback from the track and see what happens. If you disconnect F2 from the track** and it still shows occupied then remove the loco from the track. If it now shows clear then #2 is the likely cause. If you disconnect F2 and the occupancy disappears then it is probably #1. Repeat this for all the feedbacks and see what happens. The cure for #2 is to place a 470Ω resistor between the terminal for the offending track and the C terminal. You may have to do this on all of the offending contacts. The cure for #1 is to dry out the track/ballast and give it really good clean. ** do not disconnect from the DR4088LN, disconnect at the track end. To check for a faulty unit you will need to rewire from DR4088LN #1 onto DR4088LN #2 and see if the fault follows the unit. If the fault does not follow then it looks like a duff unit which I find unusual. I can only ever recall one faulty unit and that was because the person tried to do rewiring with the track live and shorted out the DR4088LN.
  11. Paul, I assume that you mean DR4088LN and not some other beast? 😂 How are you switching the reverse loop, and how are your detecting the occupancy? It could be false occupancy caused either by wiring or the reverse loop controller. Do you mean that these are on when there is no loco in the feedback section, and that they come on when the loco appears in the correct location as you describe above?
  12. OP's post Looks pretty clear to me that he is using DR4088LN As I already stated there is no configuration app for the DR4088xx (the only product the OP says he is using) from Digikeijs or from anyone else. All of the configuration is done on the DR4088xx using accessory addresses. Note that I haven't done or said anything other than correct your continuing series of posts that contain totally incorrect information which are misinforming readers.
  13. You may have burned out the analogue locos or you may not have the address set correctly.
  14. Definitely would be detecting Railcom ID because DR4088xx cannot detect Railcom - you may be thinking of DR5088RC which is very different from DR4088xx. BTW, I have been using 9 x DR5088RC for more than 8 years without a single issue.
  15. There isn’t a configuration app for the DR4088xx from Digikeijs or anyone else. Perhaps you mean to look at the LocoNet monitor on the DR5000 app (assuming he has a DR5000). The YD7001 app will also enable the same if the DR5000 has been converted. Other systems, such as Z21, also have a built in LocoNet monitor.
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