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Having bought Severn Road from a member of another forum I have embarked on some work on it!

Several new points, an extra road in the yard, another 4x2 boartd at one end, rework of the fiddle yards etc etc and going nack in time to the early -mid eighties.

Pictures to follow.




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  • 2 years later...

Was it so long ago?


Okay, bad news first, after laying new points and track, extending the boards the winter set in with vengeance.

As it was in the club room temperatures plummeted, spring arrived and to our horror we found one of the main board had terminally warped.

So a full strip down new frames, tops and some major decisions.

The move North would continue as well as the time warp.

But now we would use finescale track, Marcway points plus any recovered suitable from East Ranford,Cobalt point motors and build out a little.


So now progress is going well, most of the track is laid and wired awaiting the point motor fitting (bought from Charlie at DC Kits). Slow going but gaining momentum.



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Intresting project.


Are you using the old track plan or a new one? if it's a new track plan what has been saved from the old layout?

Is the picture the full scenic part or is there more?

Is there a full track plan?


Sorry for all the questions but once I saw the topic I wanted to know more :scratchhead:



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Tom,


Had to start from virtually scratch so mainly a new track plan with some echoes from the old one.

The picture shows the three scenic track boards, there are 3 4' by 1' boards to fit front and rear but these are scenic only with no track on.

The track plan is in a state of flux!

We have the main lines and the freight line in, laid and wired with about a third of the depot started. Once all is agreed laid and wired I will do a trackplan on Anyrail to post.


thanks for the interest.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest update, sadly depot plan a "fell" by the wayside!So a noew structure is growing out of the ashes.

Track laying progressing with some slight mods to siding routes See pictures below,post-7092-0-67233500-1357850372_thumb.jpgpost-7092-0-90713100-1357850410_thumb.jpgpost-7092-0-29922700-1357850458_thumb.jpgpost-7092-0-84561300-1357850541_thumb.jpg


On shed on this occasion, 37502, 37507, 20034, 20164, 37003 37057 and 47XXX from Tinsley's Rfd fleet sat in the shed...



More to follow when I get the sidings fixed down and wiring completed then onto the dreaded point motors.




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"Wow" looks great project,nice to see 37"s,wil keep watching how this comes along.... :locomotive:

37003 i the cl37lg limited edition with weathering from one of our members, the 2 37 5's are the railexpress limited editions and 37057 is the bog standard Bachy one.

All are sound fitted too.

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Yer ive been sound chipping all of mine with different dcc 37 sounds.... :locomotive:  :locomotive:

The 2 37/5's are SWD on Loksound 3.5

37057 is a Legomanbiffo 3.5

37003 is a Zimo Pauliebanger sound file

The 20's are both Howes on 3.5

and 47XXX is the latest Zimo Pauliebanger creation.

I aslo have a Howes 108,

Hornby 08 (sounds awful)

Leggomanbiffo 25,

Howes 45

Howes 55

Howes 56

Howes 31

and curently working on my 105 (going to be a Legomanbiffo i feel).

and a zimo 03 (pauliebanger)


When the layout goes roundy roundy I will be getting the HST power-cars chipped to go either end of my 9 coach ECML blue grey set.


Busy times ahead and the weather ain't helping although my collaborator on the project is progressing the shed nicely.



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  • 7 months later...

Doesn't time fly?

Well the track is laid, the points are all fitted with the cobalt motors, there are mall lengths of red and black wires sprouting everywhere under the baseboards.


I plan to use my NCE powercab alongside my old faithful Compaq laptop to run the points via Panel pro, just trying to to decide whether to pull in a separate 9v ring to supply the Cobalts via a dcc based auxiliary controller (any suggestions much appreciated).


Next step is the pits for the depot and point rodding whilst doing the power ring for track supplies in 2.5 6491x panel wire.




Progress is slow but I am learning a heck of a lot as I go.



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