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A Harbour Office

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Has anyone tried Conqueror Laid Board - about 90 gsm? Haven't used it for years, but printed the right way it may be great for woodgrain/clapboard finishes. Have to try and find some to experiment.



I don't know that, John, but Conqueror do a 'High White Laid' at 100g/m2 [Arjo-Wiigins] which I imagine is similar. As you say, it does have a horizontal 'linear' weave but sadly left-to right in portrait format, which would be contrary to the desired alignment for Scalescenes brick papers etc.


Some time ago I did experiment with this paper by rolling it [printed] over a sheet of 60 grit sand-paper with a rubber roller used for spreading ink on a printing machine platen, but the roller, together with other irreplaceable goodies in an old toolbox was stolen from my car.


I may try the idea again, Phil, perhaps you could try it, or something similar, it did give an interesting texture, but you needed great care in gluing it to an armature so as not to lose the effect.


John Wiffen tells me he has not tried textured paper printing, or watercolour washing his papers yet, so ther is plenty of room for experiment! [Mind you, looking at his South Oak Road http://scalescenes.com/southoakroad he doesn't need any further help from clever effects!]


Until the plastic sheet manufacturers [ in OO sizes] produce brick sheets without mortar courses you could hide a scale-sized guinea-pig in I shall stick to texture papers!




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That is some seriously nice modelling. I still think well presented brick papers (i.e. Scalescenes) carefully applied take some beating. I can't seem to get on with plasticard it always ends up looking.... well.... plasticky! :unsure: :rolleyes:


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That is some seriously nice modelling. I still think well presented brick papers (i.e. Scalescenes) carefully applied take some beating. I can't seem to get on with plasticard it always ends up looking.... well.... plasticky! :unsure: :rolleyes:


In all the demos I've seen of Pendon they use card.

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Thanks for posting this build Doug, it really does look superb!


If anyone would like to see this model in the flesh, please call by the Scalescenes stand at Warley this year (stand F05), it will be on display (many thanks Doug!!).



Busy working to try and get my Low relief high street out at the moment, but I will upload the red tiles that Doug used on this roof as soon as I can...

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