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The XTrkCad Tutorials from The Layout Party


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THE XTrkcad Tutorials from The Layout Party


by shortliner


original page on Old RMweb



??? posted on Sat Dec 20, 2008 8:06 am


These are the tutorials written by Roger (Disisme) that were available on The Layout Party site (which has been bought up and the Files are no longer accessible). They are in the files section of the Yahoo XTrkcad group, and I have permission from the owner of that Group, the copyright holder - who also happens to be a member on here, and Andy Y to re-publish them in here for the benefit of all those who want to learn how to use the program. Dive in and get your hands dirty!



The Layout Party1.doc

(51.5 KiB)


The Layout Party2.doc

(34 KiB)


The Layout Party3.doc

(32.5 KiB)


The Layout Party4.doc

(28.5 KiB)


The Layout Party5.doc

(41.5 KiB)


The Layout Party6.doc

(24.5 KiB)


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  • 6 months later...

Excellent! I look forward to reading these! I've only just loaded the XtrackCAD program after discovering that my mate's Hornby Virtual Railway only covers layout design on a 10 foot board maximum - and I wanted to "pipe-dream" a layout in my attic! Initially I wanted to play around with sectional track pieces, so Templot seemed far too advanced for my needs.

I have the beginnings of my loft (attic in USA) layout thanks to just diving into the program and skimming over the tutorials on the XtrackCAD webpage. My loft is basically a 5.5 x5.5 meter square and I have two mainlines running around it's periphery using 4th and 3rd radius curves (US HO doesn't like the smaller radii on the whole ;) )




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