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A medium radius curved point


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Hornby don't, I understand sell much track. The UK market is small compared to the rest of the world, so finescale rtr 00 track isn't going to happen.


If it matters to you, then you either do it yourself and get somebody else to do it for you.


Yes it will cost more than Peco etc but not £100 a turnout I hasten to add!


Most accept Peco/Hornby etc as to them the track is just something to run their trains on and they aren't too bothered if it doesn't look quite right.

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.....finescale rtr 00 track isn't going to happen.


If it matters to you, then you either do it yourself and get somebody else to do it for you.

Stephen, with all due respect, please re-read this issue !

Finescale or Scale track is not the objective of the call for an improved Ready-To-Lay product.

In fact I've never read or heard from anyone who is asking for RTL "scale" or "finescale" track. All I've read are objections from people who haven't understood (or wanted to understand) the issue and are against, or say that such track isn't possible.

What is being asking for, is an improved RTL product for the 00 market. They have it elsewhere so why not here?


I agree that if you want near prototypical, or near scale track, then building itself or having it built to order is the only practical option.

However the vast majority of modellers (and I'm talking about adult modellers and discounting the toy market here) will probably not go down this route for one reason or another.


We've seen improvements in almost every area of this hobby in recent times, most notably in the quality of RTR trains and rolling stock. The aspirations of many modellers have also been raised by these advances.

A number of improvements can be made to Peco track that would probably satisfy the majority of those who would like to see a "better" product aimed at the 00 market.


It can be done, after all small local manufacturers have much "better looking" 00 plain track available (e.g. Exactoscale) and there are products made for other markets including Peco's own N. American Code 83 offering.

Peco could take a leaf out of Tillig's book when it comes to RTL points. The Tillig track is not 00 and is far from perfect in certain respects, but IMHO Peco Streamline just looks rubbish alongside it.

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It can be done, after all small local manufacturers have much "better looking" 00 plain track available (e.g. Exactoscale) and there are products made for other markets including Peco's own N. American Code 83 offering.

Peco could take a leaf out of Tillig's book when it comes to RTL points. The Tillig track is not 00 and is far from perfect in certain respects, but IMHO Peco Streamline just looks rubbish alongside it.


I think Stephen was commenting more on the lack of a business case for doing 'better' track in the UK. The US stuff was done due to competition and the code 75 range suffering as a result, the US market is also vast compared to the UK. Exactoscale is not a commercially driven product but Andrew Jukes wanting to build a large P4 layout in the most accurate way possible without building everything by hand, selling bits on cuts his personal costs back.


If someone wants 00 spaced Tillig then it may take a group of people stumping up the capital to get some track bases tooled for the existing rail. Probably a bit cheaper than getting the whole lot done or waiting for Peco to do anything new when they have the monopoly already.

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Thanks for all the replys. I think the best option is to build it yourself.


Having seen a 45' x 20' layout of Bendigo Australia that has all handbuilt points and cost him less than A$10/£6 each, thats pretty good value. The Shinohara curve points look like a possibility too.



I have decided that I will build a larger layout and may be build it for exhibition here in OZ. It will be LNER/ER with some other BR region locos. But that will have to wait till some time next year as I have plenty on the plate to build and finish some kits. LNER Garratt, Coronation Coach kits and wagons, just to name a few.



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