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Hi all my name is Jonny and I am 23 years old. I collected models and I have collected models for as long as I can remember (to much annoyance to the Mrs. as I have boxes of them!) At one point I had every BR diesel in various makes. The loft space was dominated by them!



I decided to sell some of my models and recover some space in the house and try and recover some money! Sadly I think the cash I made on them was not worth it as I liked my collection. Now I have moved on and I am involved in the full size Deltic locomotive. I work on 55022 ???Royal Scots Grey??™ (http://www.royalscotsgrey.com/) and i spend all my free time down at the East Lancashire Railway which is where we keep her. The real loco is an expensive hobby but worth it!



Looking at some of the models and layouts on here (particularly the Doncaster layout) makes me want to create a layout.



Many thanks,





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