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Bachmann 37 light problems


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Any advice appreciated. Have installed the SWD decoders in Rail Express 37s and the lights now don't work. Presume its to do with the copper connectors being moved slightly but anyone got any experience of same problem/ideas to solve it - do they bend out of shape and need a little pushing back?


Worst case will hard wire them - but only as matter of last resort


Thanks in advance

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A common problem with Bachmann 37's. First, I know it's a little obvious, but make sure the bodies screwed back on. I've been caught out like that with the 37 - tested a decoder installed 37 with the body just pushed back on and no joy with the lights, tried hand pressure - still no joy. Put the screws in and the lights worked fine. Happened me more than once too. If that doesn't work try adjusting the contacts ever so slightly. Trial is the best way forward until you're sure there must be something else wrong.


It's usually something simple.




Just a thought: Maybe this might be better over in the question / advice centre?

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