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Layout suggestions please


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Right guys I need some help.


First layout about to be undertaken. Well before the end of 2011 I need to have started it.


I have a 10' by 8' shed, double doors at one end, want to do a U shape end to end, apx half or just under as scenic.


Going to do a 'Heritage line' so can run mainly older diesels and some steam, so need loads of nooks and crannies to store locos, stock etc, as you get on heritage lines. Obviously need a station, long enough for a tender loco, two coaches, and run round loop. Roadway going to a yard, for a low loader, loco shed.

Also alongside the station a seperate line, not connected as just want a DCC pacer to run back and forth, mainly as a dabble with DCC, as all my stuff at the moment is older RTR, other side of the U for some fiddle yards, so I can move stock around with keep handling things.


So, does this sound feasible? Is it too much as a first attempt, really want to use set track as its easier for me to use.


Can some of you come up with a track plan that would be workable, and enough points, sidings etc to keep it interesting??

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  • RMweb Premium

It is feasible.


Just a few questions.


The measurements that you have given, are these the manufactures sizes for the shed, if so these will be the external size. Internal will be smaller especially if you insulate the shed so that it can be used year round.



Would you be prepared to use non set track points and flexi track for straight sections? If you are it opens up far more possibilities.


OO gauge?

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Sorry Kris, should have said it will be OO.


Yes, realisticly guess just over 9' 6" x 7' 6" working space.


Really would prefer set track points (Peco) but am open to using flexi for the straihghts and curves if needed The points really would need to be the shorter option I guess as space is limited :(

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really want to use set track as its easier for me to use.

First suggestion is don't go down that route - you will soon find it very limiting and very to like. If you are planning to build a model railway start with Code 75 from the start. It is not that difficult to use and plenty of helpful advice on how to use it.


We are going to assume OO in which case you will soon find that even that space is quite limiting on what you can do.


Also there is a big risk in making your first layout fit a space. It can get quite daunting a challenge when absolutely everything is new and has a steep learning curve. I would suggest that you start with a very simple station. Have you looked at any particular prototype? Then concentrate on that. I am guessing (a little from experience here) that you will soon advance from the first track plan and wish you had done it differently. Hopefully before you have ballasted everything. Perhaps the first thing is to get some track down and get it running.


Meanwhile there are some excellent layout here and on other sites to take inspiration from, quite a few plan books that have plans that can be followed or adapted, and always the prototype. Swanage is a very good example of a Preserved BLT with just about everything you could wish for on a layout. Sure it has been done but that shouldn't stop you. (there are others)


Be very wary of using Radius 1 points especially the set-track ones - most locos these days are sold with a recommendation of Radius 2 or higher About the only RTR that go through them consistently are 0-4-0 and 0-6-0 locos and 4 wheel stock. (I say consistently but in fact nothing goes through settrack points reliably due to that great lump of plastic the so-called frog)

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Thats why I was going to go with the Peco points, seems thay are not as bad as the Hornby for derailing, guess the middle size rather than the 1st rad is the way to go.


Have a couple of ideas in my head for a plan, one from RM some time back, but just wanted to see if you guys could come up with something different. :rolleyes:

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  • RMweb Premium

Here's a quick shot that fills what you have asked for. Top part is the station with the top line the shuttle line for your pacer. Below is a bay and the main platform for the preserved line. There is a loop on the main platform with a line going off that acts as a headshunt for the coach sidings (next to the loop) and the loco servicing facilities.


The main line curves off round the back of this to the fiddle yard.


All points are peco streamline medium radius or streamline 3 ways. The main curves are 3rd radius set track, but the rest of the track is flexi. (this is the part that does not quite fit your request).






Edit - Jack (Shortliner) has just prompted my memory. There is a curved point in the track plan. It's on the head shunt to for the coach sidings that also leads to the goods yard.

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Here's a quick shot that fills what you have asked for. Top part is the station with the top line the shuttle line for your pacer. Below is a bay and the main platform for the preserved line. There is a loop on the main platform with a line going off that acts as a headshunt for the coach sidings (next to the loop) and the loco servicing facilities.


The main line curves off round the back of this to the fiddle yard.


All points are peco streamline medium radius or streamline 3 ways. The main curves are 3rd radius set track, but the rest of the track is flexi. (this is the part that does not quite fit your request).





Thats pretty good! Could have the Pacer exiting under a tunnel off scene, and another scenic break at the bottom right.


Really impressed with that, thanks.

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  • RMweb Premium

That is a curved point Jack. I had forgotten it, so I didn't mention it in the original post, whoops. I shall now edit the old post to correct my mistake.

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Please do not discount flexi-track. It is so much more versatile than set track & easier to work with than you think. Have you considered building a really small shunting plank, possibly with just 1 point? I have built several layouts & still wanted to try new things with my current project. I have built a few small test tracks & have found them really helpful.

Where are you based? We are not just virtual people on here <_< . You can learn a lot from a local club or even from a discussion over a pint in the pub.


The layout plan looks feasible & with a bit of care, I am sure it can look good. Try to think of what you want to run, then compromise with how you can fit it into the space you have.

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