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Today I went to Southampton Model Rail Show, which had some interesting layouts. I especially liked Patter Dale North, Moonhill Depot and Worcester Road - well worth a visit.


It was however  somewhat less than relaxing, due to having a two year old and a one year old to look after, so I decided I needed a present:




37 406 has now arrived at the depot, so expect some more random videos.



Edited by Beresford Junction
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I had big plans to get some track laid tonight (yeah right I hear you say), but I ended up taking a call from a mate in marital distress.....and now it's time for bed.


Perhaps tomorrow.

Oh and just remembered - on a more positive note, I found a box of my railway bits from the 1970's, which included a Hornby track rubber and it still worked. A bit crusty but not bad after about 35 years!

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Tonight some progress. (at long last I hear you say....)


The track on the shorter side of the 'L' has been laid.




and a mouse hole, or should that be a rat hole given its size, lined up ready for the helix.




The concrete sleepered tracks are the main lines that will eventually be a capable of continuous running. The bits of wood are a possible station, with a footbridge to hide the corner. The plan for the area where the class 20 is, is either a depot or factory/warehouse of some sort which will hopefully hide the mouse hole. Unless of course I change my mind - I better get the track stuck down and ballasted to stop this from happening.





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It's all been a bit strange tonight down at the Junction - my two year old decided he wanted to see the 'red one' running - the RES 47 to you and I, so I thought I'd knock up a quick bit of power to one of the tracks, however that is when it all started going wrong.


I don't think I crossed any wires or shorted anything, but about half of the locos stopped running or even responding at all, however the others were fine. There seemed to be no logic to it - some Hornby and some Bachmann worked/didn't.


I reset my old Hornby Select - it's coming time for the dustbin I think - but no better, so I un-did all the new wiring added, still no better, un-did even more, went back to a single bit of track - still all broken. One of the new class 37s even sat there with all it's lights continually flashing on/off.


Then (about two very frustrating hours later) just as I was about to give up , having done nothing - it all just started working again.


Any ideas anyone?

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Evening all.


Still on the steel theme, I was down at the shop at the Watercress Line today and saw the new BAAs for sale. I couldn't decide which one looked best, so decided to get one of each.




I've also been working on yet another bridge, the backscene to cover the corner and getting the line down to the second helix working (you can see it at the top of the photo).


I've also been messing about doing movies so watch this space.







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Tonight I've been back to more mundane tasks - sticking cardboard to the bridge supports. The jury is still out whether to make it into a road or rail bridge. I've already got one road bridge down the other end, so might make this one for rail.


I've also been doing a bit of clearing up, and getting rid of all the random off-cuts of wood that I thought might come in handy at some point - which they haven't. They're currently being burnt in the wood burner, so no way back.



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Great Vid Phil, I like the way the tracks descend down the ramp. I think different levels of track add so much to a layout.

As for the bits of wood.......... I have a fairly big collection I can't let go of yet....... Even though I know in my heart ill never use them!



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Having a day off work to look after ill children today, but managed to pack them off to bed for an hour and so got on with the painting/sealing of the mdf boards I'm using for the underneath fiddle yard and the helix boards (yes it's still under construction). I've got about half painted now, and hopefully the rest tonight.


I got some rather strange looks yesterday when I was printing out some more Scalescenes concrete sections for the bridge supports at work - "Someone is printing out grey squares on the printer !?!"



Edited by Beresford Junction
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I too have had the kids off school sick this week.. Didnt get any modelling done though..
I'd like to be out in the garage now but I've got the smallest asleep on the sofa. 

It's back to work tomorrow night, where does the modelling time go?




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