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I am doing a thesis on the ethnicity of railway modellers and would lke to know if the hobby is as white as it is shown? I have investigated ethnicity of modellers in the US and there is a growing number of non white modellers. Blacks and hispanic modellers, particularly amongst the more affluent sections of the community are non as rare as they once were.


I know if a few in the UK, and, if there is sufficient interest, would be keen to suggest an online group. Two of my freiends, an Israeli rabbi and a Lebanese banker have had great fun running their 7mm Jubilees - both named "Palestine " around our test track! Anyone we is afraid the hobby sub branch would be devisiove could not be further from the truth, and the whole aim is to form greater bonds.


Despite the recession there are ways that modelling can be encouraged and depending on the response I am keen to delevop more.


If interested let me know at




Thank you and happy modelling.

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Hi Souwest,


I've had this topic flagged up a few readers as having the potential to cause unnecessary extended debate. As one reader eloquently put it "It's not about not about race, colour or creed; it's a hobby that binds all sorts of different people together" and I wouldn't want this topic to cause any friction if anyone got silly.


To that end I'd ask any readers who can contribute to Souwest's question to respond via PM or email please and I'll lock this topic.



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