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Blog- Copley Hill Works - Inspiration on Ebay

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Interesting 0-16.5 Engine


I've been looking at this engine with some interest. It has what I believe is a rivarossi chassis, and bits of a Hornby "Bill" or "Ben" saddletank coupled with some parts from a Dapol Pug kit, and a cab which looks scratchbuilt.


I'm interested. My finger was hovering over the "bid" button.


If I did end up buying it, I'd make some changes to the model - removing the weathering being the first job, maybe adding a few details - and definitely making it an 0-4-2 as opposed 0-4-0.


I had told myself I'd build all the rolling stock for my layout myself, but I'm looking at this little engine and wondering if I have a little corner for it somewhere.


I've a few days to think about it - but if the price goes up any higher, I'm afraid as a poor student, I won't be bidding.


The look of it has inspired me though - surely I could make something that good?


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