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Making some trees for Sweethome Alabama

Jon Grant 4472

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I need to make a lot of trees to cover the 11ft length of Sweethome Alabama in trees.


In addition to the 'sea foam' trees, I also make trees from moulded plastic tree formers (Woodland Scenics, Heki, etc). This time around I'm using florists soft wire and paper tape to make my own tree trunks, as shown in this topic.


I started with a 6inch bundle of wire and started binding it in brown paper tape, both of which are available from florists shops. Branches are bent outwards from the trunk and are bound with the paper tape, as I move up the tree






Each wire in the branches is bent outwards and cut to length, before moving on to the next branch. Here are some completed Scots pines and a sycamore, that are fully bound in the paper tape, ready for the next stage








The next stage follows...



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Once the tree former has been covered in the paper tape and I am happy with the overall shape, I add the tree 'bark'. For this I use an acrylic sealant intended for sealing round doors and windows in the home and the one I use was bought cheaaply from the British equivalent of a 'dollar store'.





I squirt some out onto a piece of old card which is used as a pallette. Being acrylic, I water it down a but so I can paint it on to the paper tape with an old modelling brush. The sealant dries quickly and can be built up in layers until get the effect I want.


Here are some sycamores that have been treated with the sealant. The bark and branches are now ready for painting





Even the wire off-cuts from the larger trees can be bundled together and used to to make smaller trees and bushes.







Next up is to paint the tree trunks and add some poly-fibre branches



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I got the branches on the larger deciduous trees last night - I've stopped calling them sycamores, because they dont really look like sycamores any more.









After teasing out the branches, I added a layer of leaves to the first couple of trees. I will need to add some more leaves to the first tree, as the photo still shows too much of the branch material









Now to foliate the other trees



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I added the leaves to the remaining trees this evening and removed some of the excess polyfiber - not always evident until the leaf material has been applied.


The trees have been planted temporarily into the scenery to give an idea of how they will appear on the layout.












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  • 5 months later...

A quick question about the tree trunks... What colours did you use for them? I've got some to paint, but the "standard" dark brown doesn't look right, especially for the Pines... I'm thinking more of a grey/brown or even grey/green...

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Both would work fine, along with light greyand tan, depending on the tree. I used sludge brown (own mix) for these trees - earth brown, black, grey.

The different colours of trunk blend in to each other when packed together









The layout will be at Tyneside show (Gateshead) in November




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