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The Pannier Papers No 2

Pannier Tank

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  • RMweb Premium

Just received a copy of "The Pannier Papers No 2" direct from Irwell Press. http://www.irwellpress.com/


This issue ( 2 of 7) contains details of the 36xx, 37xx, 46xx varients.


There are brief details on the history of the Pannier Tanks and a detailed list of boilers, injectors, cabs etc. Many photograpghs of the class (all in black and white).


One thing that I was not aware of was that there were quite a few engines without the "top feed and asscociated pipework", this produced an uncluttered appearence on the tops of the pannier tanks. As boilers were swapped during works visits, you really need to check with a photograpgh of your chosen subject. And I thought the 14xx were a minefield!


Looking forward to the others books in the series.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just received a copy of "The Pannier Papers No 2" direct from Irwell Press. http://www.irwellpress.com/


This issue ( 2 of 7) contains details of the 36xx, 37xx, 46xx varients.


There are brief details on the history of the Pannier Tanks and a detailed list of boilers, injectors, cabs etc. Many photograpghs of the class (all in black and white).


One thing that I was not aware of was that there were quite a few engines without the "top feed and asscociated pipework", this produced an uncluttered appearence on the tops of the pannier tanks. As boilers were swapped during works visits, you really need to check with a photograpgh of your chosen subject. And I thought the 14xx were a minefield!


Looking forward to the others books in the series.


Not just a photograph but a reliably dated photo as in some cases locos acquired a top feed boiler at one heavy overhaul only to lose it at the next onewink.gif

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  • RMweb Premium

Given that there are plenty of photos in Russell and elsewhere, do these volumes provide any more information than that found in the relevant RCTS volume?




However, I guess the question is, can you still get hold of the RCTS GWR books? - I only have volumn 8 "Modern Passenger classes" published 1960!


I had a flick through the Irwell book at Sheffield Park last weekend and thought it was quite good, although for the size, maybe a bit pricey. Will probably get a copy after my hols.

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However, I guess the question is, can you still get hold of the RCTS GWR books? - I only have volumn 8 "Modern Passenger classes" published 1960!


The simple answer is yes. A couple of years ago I managed to collect a near complete set at reasonable prices and in varying conditions over a period of a few months, mostly via the amazon market place. Many sellers do ask silly prices for these but if you keep your eyes open, you can often find them for much less than £10 each.



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  • RMweb Premium

Thanks for the heads up David, somehow I'd missed this series. Three visits to Ian Allan since & I think I'm up to speed (I assume parts 1, 2 & 5 are the only ones out so far?)


Thats right, Part 5 the 16xx was out first followed by Part 1 94xx and the latest one being Part 2 36xx,37,46xx. I keep a regular check on Irwell Press for futre releases.

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  • RMweb Gold

However, I guess the question is, can you still get hold of the RCTS GWR books? - I only have volumn 8 "Modern Passenger classes" published 1960!


I had a flick through the Irwell book at Sheffield Park last weekend and thought it was quite good, although for the size, maybe a bit pricey. Will probably get a copy after my hols.


Another 'yes' - from a base of 3 parts I have built up almost a complete set over the last 18 months or so and am now only lacking Part 4. Many parts are quite common fodder in specialist second-hand bookshops (I even acquired several in a shop in Hay-On-Wye last yearsmile3.gif) and some can be found at what I regard as very reasonable prices. I think you can fairly average £10 a copy but I have seen various parts in 'vgd' condition for around half of that while one shop I know of had a complete set going for £140 last year. There are price differentials between early editions and later ones of the same volume but that seems to be aimed more at the book collector than those of us who use them as earlier print dates usually seem to have the higher prices!

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  • RMweb Premium

I brought this volume and found it disapointing, not too sure why as the volume on the 94XX was good.


It seemed that the book was written using basic information from other books, and why was the 8750 not listed as this was part of the same class.





Part 2 = 36xx,37xx,46xx are from the 8750 series, other series (57xx 96xx) are to follow.

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  • RMweb Premium

The simple answer is yes. A couple of years ago I managed to collect a near complete set at reasonable prices and in varying conditions over a period of a few months, mostly via the amazon market place. Many sellers do ask silly prices for these but if you keep your eyes open, you can often find them for much less than £10 each.





Another 'yes' - from a base of 3 parts I have built up almost a complete set over the last 18 months or so and am now only lacking Part 4. Many parts are quite common fodder in specialist second-hand bookshops (I even acquired several in a shop in Hay-On-Wye last yearsmile3.gif) and some can be found at what I regard as very reasonable prices. I think you can fairly average £10 a copy but I have seen various parts in 'vgd' condition for around half of that while one shop I know of had a complete set going for £140 last year. There are price differentials between early editions and later ones of the same volume but that seems to be aimed more at the book collector than those of us who use them as earlier print dates usually seem to have the higher prices!


Thank you both very much. I obviously need to get my arse in gear and fill in the gaps then. I find Vol 8, together with the big OPC book by Jim Russell very useful.


thanks again,

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